yoongi part 1

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It was summer time when you first saw him , smoking under the shade on the rooftop.  He was quite handsome and growing up you alqays had a thing for bad boys but they never even looked at you in such a way.  Why? Because you werent like the popular girls you were just a normal student. 

When you first approached the rooftop boy he never responded. You learned from your friend that his name was Min Yoongi amd everyone in the school feared  him.

To you he wasnt scary at all he was charming to be exact . One day when school ended you had to stay back for some school work.  By the time you finished the school was empty.  You passed by the old music room and heard piano playing.  You halted on your tracks and slowly opened the door of the music room.  There he was looking like an angel the evening hue making him look etheral.  The wind making the curtains fly upwards.  The sight was truely beautiful.  It was as if you were in a movie. 

The music stopped and you clapped your hands.  He jump scared and looked at you surprised.

U : that was really good Mr yoongi

Yg : thank you yn

U : i didnt know the scariest boy in school was this beautiful and innocent looking while playing a piano

Yg : depends on my mood

U : wow its the first time you talked to me

Yg : is that so

U : Yep

Yg : well i guess it starts from today

After that day both of you became great friends and you had grew feelings for him. 

After about 5 months you finally had the guts to confess and he accepted it.  You two started dating and it had been 2 years since then. 

You loved yoongi but for the past few days he had been acting weird both of you were in the same university ; the thing that bothered you was this girl.  She was in the same classes as yoongis almost all of them. She was too clingy . At first you didnt mind but for the past few months she has been threatening you to leave yoongi or else she will hurt you. 

You didnt give a shit about what she said and when you told yoongi about it he was mad at you.  He said that you were being jealous . Even when you tried to expose her infront of him she played innocent and yoongi believed her. 

You were done with this and thats when the big fight took place.  Both of you yelled at each other.  Even to the point where you threw a vase towards yoongi and luckily he dodged it but he was still hurt as the vase had hit the wall and glass shattered and hit yoongis skin. 

You coming back to your senses rushed to yoongi but he pushed you away

U : yoongi babe i am so sorry

Yg : get the fuck out of here

U : w-what ?


You were taken back by his words,  did he really just called me cunt?

You first grabbed the first aid box and placed it infront of yoongi , then you grabbed your purse and left the house. 

At night you cried alot for what happened.  Thinking about the fight and what made it worse was dor you to throw a vase at him.  Being tired from crying you fell asleep with the pain in your heart. 

The next day you decided to visit him.  You knocked on the door but he didnt open the door.  When you twisted the knob it was already open.  When you entered the living room you saw what you feared the most would happen. 

There he was making out with that girl. You backed up to the wall thinking it wasnt real.  Yoongi who happened to pull away from the girl,  looked at you.  His eyes were filled with lust. You felt disgusted.  He walked towards you and Caressed your cheek with his hand.  He was drunk you looked at the girl and shw only smirked. 

Girl : told you yn break up with him now look who is hurt . He called me last night and we had sex. 

U : get out

Girl : oh honey i am not the one who is gonna leave,  yoongi asked me out last night now you are his ex you get out

You didnt believe her but guessing by what happened yesterday he surely didnt love you anymore.  Yoongi who was passed out on your arms was carried by the girl to the couch and you left the place. 

Yoongi who was drugged by the girl had no idea What had happened woke up and found the girl sitting beside him whom he and you had fought over  

Yg : what are you doing here jenna

Jenna : you called me lasr night to go out for drinks remember

Yg : Did yn come by

Jenna : no

Yg : oh...

Jenna : well i am gonna go now bye

Yg : bye

After jenna left yoongi grabbed his phone checking if you had texted him or called him but there were no notifications.

Meow meow : yn are you okay?

You heard a notification sound and checked who it was.  It was yoongi , you decided to ignore .

Meow meow : babe dont ignore me please i am sorry for yelling at you

Y/n ❤ : dont babe me you are dating jenna now so go text her leave me alone

Meow meow : what do you mean i am dating her

Y/n ❤ : she said it to me when i visited you this morning

Meow meow : no she said you didnt visit me dont lie yn

Y/n ❤ : oh yeah ofc you will trust her and not me you cheater just forget about me. 

After saying that you blocked him and started crying again.  It was evening and you felt empty  . You decided going to club and getting wasted it the best option.

Next part smut

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