Kim Namjoon

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Published on : December 28th, 2019

Y/n pov
I woke up like usual to get ready for school. I hated school . School was filled with fake ppl. It felt as if I was going to a hell hole. The good thing was I was graduating after this term.

I got ready to go to school. Wore my uniform , ate breakfast , took my headphones the most important thing, took my bag , my phone and headed to school.

Class didn't start yet and everyone in class were talking about this new English teacher we were gonna have. I was just reading a novel as usual .

The bell rang signaling it was time for class , I groaned and put my novel away. The new teacher came in and all the girls were fangirling like crazy. Idk why are they doing this cuz he is our teacher but I will admit he is hot.

Hi guys my name is Kim Namjoon and from today I will be your English teacher.

So some girls were asking namjoon questions

G1 : sir how old r u
Nj : I am 23 (let's just pretend he is )
G2 : wow you are so young and handsome
Nj : thank you
G3 : do u have a gf
Nj : that's private information
G4 : oh then u must be single
Nj : maybe or maybe not
G5 : do u like somebody

I think that's enough q / a for the first class .

So take out your books we are gonna do oral work today.

Authors pov

He gave u guys 5 mins for revision then he started asking questions. He started asking and pretty much every one enjoyed the class. His eyes then landed on you and he smiled .

Nj : hey you at back in the corner

You pointed towards yourself , he just nodded.

Nj : so what is your name

Yn : y/f/n

Nj : Sorry , I don't get it .

He was saying it in weird ways which caused everyone to laugh . You felt embarrassed and questioned yourself as to how did a teacher who cant even pronounce a name became an english teacher . He also chuckled a bit with the othera and asked u a question which You weren't able to answer because you didn't well study or did revision.

Nj : you should sit at the front row and pay attention so that you can learn, okay?

Mean girl : sir she is fine at the back , only popular and smart kids sit at front and she is gonna ruin the reputation of the class with her ugly face and weird name

Everyone started laughing .

Yn : right , atleast I am not a bully and  I know how to pronounce names.

You clapped back at both the girl and your teacher . She was about to argue but namjoon stopped her, he was at blame too he couldn't deny it.

It was lunch break those mean girls came over to you and said you should rename yourself  as garbage cuz u r one. You ignored them and ate your lunch  which irritated them more and left you alone.

" thats what you get for being an attention seeker " you said to yourself

After a few minutes everyone went downstairs except you . You were eating your food and reading the novel u were reading before. You heard someone entering the class but didn't see who tht person was. You kept on reading your book .

"Wuthering Heights is a great novel "

You got startled and looked up to see Namjoon standing right infront of you.  You rolled your eyes at him and went back to read your book.

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