Hoseok p1

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Your pov
Imagining my life back at high school and college was always a disaster . For other ppl high school and college are the best years of their lives but for me that's not the case

Back at my freshman year , I clearly remember I had to sit at the table no one even noticed because even if there were sits to sit on , people would say "it's saved" .

Unlike for some people . Joana , the most beautiful girl at both school and college . Even gay guys wanted to date her . Also my enemy for life


"We are the champions my friend~ and we are the champions , no time for losers"~~ (an old song )

You : Joana open the door
J : ouh but we don't have time for losers like you

And for that day , I sat outside till lunch break .

My brother , Kim Seokjin was the guy everyone swooned over . His group of friends were hot as well but the person I had a crush on was Jung hoseok . He was jins friend and we often met each other when they came over .

Jin didn't knew I was bullied at school .  The worst thing was Joana had a crush on him .

I remember the time I was moving around to find a sit and I crushed on to hoseok and the food fell all over him . He just showed his godly smile and left to clean up

Also I remember the time I eavesdropped on their conversation and hoseoks ideal type was someone like Joana and my heart dropped but I was also happy that I decided to eavesdrop that day because that's the reason why I am working at one of the biggest companies in London telling junior publicists how I was the poster child for the geek squad .

I am a whole new person now and I love the new me , I am stronger and I used my past to be where I am now .

Phew the Interview ended

Your boss : that was quite impressive ; the interview

U : thank you

Your boss : now pack up your stuff and leave

U : wha- sir I just asked for a week off in years because of my brothers wedding

Your boss : pack up your stuff and move to the New York office , you will see a door with the name vice President , all yours

U : OMG really!!

Your boss : unless you have a problem with the huge promotion

U : no I certainly do not

You hugged your boss out of excitement and he hugged you back

Time skip
At the plane

Mom : honey I can't believe jins getting married

U : neither can I , even though idk what the girl looks like but she sounds nice

Mom : you guys went to the same school

U : we went to the same school wow

Mom : uh huh

U : mom I have to go the planes about to start

Mom : okay ouh honey one of your brothers friend will come to pick you up

U : okay

Wait what!! Who is gonna come , jins friend ugh

Time skip
I don't see anyone guess they are late . Let me call mom

? : Yn is that you

I looked behind and it was hoseok , no fucking way , I could feel myself getting sweaty , fuck I need to look normal

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