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Elizabeth didn't say anything for a while. I couldn't imagine any response to my request anyway, but I would need her help if I wanted to regain my mind and heart.
        At any rate, in her silence, she continued making an attempt to comfort me. I had stopped crying a little while ago, and now we were just laying there. Elizabeth's head was currently resting on my chest as I stared up at the ceiling.
        "You're not weak, you know. Not in the slightest."
        I chuckled dryly, not believing her, but not making an attempt to argue.
        "You don't see it, Edward. You're the strongest person I've ever met."
        "Yeah, well, I don't feel very great," I replied with a sigh.
        "You will."
        "I doubt it. I almost went to the Volturi."
        Based on the way Elizabeth went stiff, I could tell she hadn't expected that. "When?"
        I mentally flinched at her voice. I guessed she knew who they were then, and you only went to the Volturi if you either had a death wish or wanted recruitment. And I was thinking she knew my reason.
        "Do you remember that day I ran away from the park because you had reminded me of Bella?"
        She nodded. "It was right after my episode that I thought of going to Italy."
        "Edward." She tightly hugged my torso. "Please, no matter what happens, don't ever become involved with that cold-hearted Volturi. If you upset them, they wouldn't even hesitate to. . . "
        She stopped speaking and hid her face in my shirt. Clearly, Elizabeth was upset.
        "Elizabeth, look at me. I'm here, alright? I'm sorry I even considered it."
        She nodded, and looked up to me. "Good."
        Elizabeth stood up, and gestured for me to follow her. "Where are we going?"
        "Not far." She sat on the sofa, and patted the space next to her. I joined her, and she reached for the remote.
        "We're going to have a moviecation."
        "A what?"
        Elizabeth feigned a gasp. I rolled my eyes as she grinned. "A moviecation. We are going to watch a bunch of movies nonstop because it's fun."
        "Why not just say a movie marathon?" I asked smirking, her excitement already making me feel better.
        "Because that's lengthy and boring."
        She turned on the television. Then, throwing the remote into my lap. While I picked a channel, she hopped off the sofa to turn off the lights and close the curtains. Upon returning, she sat next to me again, this time bringing her legs up next to her and resting her head on my shoulder before reclaiming the remote.
        "Comfortable?" I asked.
        "Mhmm," she hummed ignoring my sarcasm.
        "I hope you know this doesn't affect my eyesight at all. I can still see perfectly in the dark."
        "Well, so can I, but it's more fun to watch movies this way," she explained.
        With Elizabeth so focused on the screen, I was able to look down at her and not have her notice. Her eyes were wide throughout the film, taking in every word. She snuggled into me more, wrapping her hands around my arm.
        "Of course he was innocent," Elizabeth said as the credits rolled through.
        "Hmm? Why 'of course'?"
        "It's an obvious ploy made by the producers to trick the viewers. You see it all the time. He's being set up by the others to make it look like they he's did all those things, but, really, he didn't. It's just believable because he's introduced as this scary, official looking, type person. He may seem like a villain at first, but that's only because the writers wanted to lure the audience into a feeling of false security of knowing what's going to happen. The protagonist looks like an idiot, trying to help him, but that's only because it's one against so many others. Majority opinion, you know? It looks like that the bad guy is a bad guy even when it turns out he was the hero all along."
        I pondered that a little, before nodding my head. "Seems plausible. Do you have a lot of movie knowledge?"
        "I guess. I don't just read. I sometimes sit in theaters and see what's playing. Keep up with modern media and all that."
        "See anything good?"
        Elizabeth smiled. "A few. I'll have to tell you about them." She returned her attention to the screen while the next movie started to play.
        We spent the rest of the day watching films, and somewhere through the "moviecation", Elizabeth decided she wasn't comfortable enough and laid down so her head was in my lap. It didn't bother me; in fact, I liked it. Bella never enjoyed simply sitting with me, cuddling while doing something trivial like watch television. She was so interested in my vampirism. Yes, we would kiss, but she would sometimes push for it to become more heated, though she knew I had to have control lest I hurt her. It almost felt like she would forget I had been human at a point and still enjoyed these things.
        Unconsciously, my hand had started to brush through Elizabeth's hair. I heard her sigh, and I froze.
        "Uh- sorry-"
        "No, it's fine. It reminds me of when I was a little girl. My mother would always brush my hair in the morning before school."
        I took that as an okay to continue. It hurt slightly to remember how when Bella was asleep I would run my fingers through her hair while I listened to her mumble about things that she dreamed about. With my free hand I rubbed my temple, trying to push away my angst for five more minutes.
        Elizabeth reached up and took my hand away from my head, pulling it down to hold instead.
        "And by the way, yes."
        "Yes, I'll help heal you."
        She turned her head and gave me a small smile before turning back to finish watching the movie.
        She really does care, doesn't she? I smiled to myself.
        If Elizabeth could comfort me and make me feel more like myself- a little more like myself at least- maybe she could actually help get rid of the pain in my chest. It wouldn't be easy, but she's proven herself to be up to the challenge.

        I just hope I was.

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