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I had just come back from a hunt

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I had just come back from a hunt. Elizabeth and I were back in the park, sitting at a picnic table. Summer had recently ended, and now, even less people were out, busy with school or work.
        Elizabeth's been making good on her promise. She's helping me see the world in new light again. We had even gone running together- well, I'd been running, and she'd teleport at intervals, but it was still fun.
        I haven't thought of Bella in a while either, and I love the feeling of actually being a little happy again.
        "Edward, what do animals think about?" Elizabeth oddly asked, looking off to the side.
        "I've never really paid attention to the regular thought patterns of the animals I hunt, but usually it's never past the need to sleep or eat, or when they sense I'm near, to run," I answered.
        "What about the possibly domesticated?"
        I turned to see what she's been looking at.
        A calico cat was staring at us, unblinking. Oh. Now, that made more sense.
        The cat hissed at me. I hissed back, but Elizabeth hit my arm.
        "Be nice. She's just curious."
        "Wait, can it see you?" I asked.
        "Yes. Many animals can sense us, but cats especially have a sight for the paranormal. They aren't as skeptical as humans, I guess you could say, and so aren't as blinded."
        "I see."
        "Mhmm. So what's she thinking?" she asked again, slightly tilting her head to the side, smiling wide when the feline mirrored her action.
        I tore my attention away from Elizabeth to do as she asked. Thoughts weren't the word I'd use when describing what I was seeing. Images was a better term. I could see Elizabeth and I through the cat's eyes; Elizabeth had a curious look and was trying to coax the animal closer, while my brow was furrowed in concentration.
        The cat slowly moved forward, hopping on to the table top, as Elizabeth continued to lure it with kissing sounds. A memory flashed in its mind.
        "Well, her owners had given her to a shelter, and her new ones abandoned her when they moved away, so she's a stray. She saw us and was reminded of her original owners. She'd liked them better."
        "Aw, poor thing. I guess you haven't had some good company in a while, huh?" Elizabeth frowned, now holding the feline.
        Elizabeth cooed at the cat, petting it. It had made her upset that this cat was alone. Maybe it was because she herself had been alone for some time, as well.
        The cat blinked once, accepting Elizabeth's affections despite how cold her body might have felt.
        "How about we bring her back to the flat? Give her a meal and a bed until we think of what to do with her."
        Elizabeth's face lit up. "Really?"
        I nodded. "Yeah, why not?"
        She threw one arm around my neck, and pulled me in for a hug. The cat transferred itself from her lap to mine and put her paws on my chest as she stood up. She hissed in my face, but calmed when I didn't react.
        "Hello, there."
        She stared at me for a few moments before blinking. Then, she laid down in my lap.
        Strange animal.
        "Alright, come on. I'll carry her, though, so it doesn't look as if she's floating in mid-air."
        Elizabeth pouted, but relented, seeing the logic.
        On the way to the flat, I had Elizabeth wait outside with the feline as I stopped in a store and purchased cat food and a dish.
        Once I opened the door, she jumped from my arms and ran into the flat. Elizabeth laughed at the way the feline perched itself upon the window sill and stared at me, following my every move.
        "Home, sweet, home," Elizabeth said as she sat on the floor with her back to the sofa.
        I hummed in response, filling the dish with food and water, which the cat ran towards and immediately started eating.
        Satisfied she was eating, I took a seat on the sofa. Soon, the cat finished and jumped onto Elizabeth's lap.
        "What do we call her? Because it's going to become tedious to say 'the cat' all the time."
        Elizabeth thought for a moment before saying, "I like Molly."
        The cat lifted its head. I could tell it liked responding to that name. I nodded. "Molly it is then."
        Molly meowed, and Elizabeth giggled. It was nice to see her happy.
        Molly moved to the window sill again and resigned herself to looking out the window. I guess that was her spot from now on.
        A little bit of time passed, and another book found itself into Elizabeth's hands. She was reading aloud. I loved the way her voice sounded. It was beautiful to hear. Very peaceful.
        I sighed to myself, closing my eyes while laying down on the sofa. Had I been human it would have been the perfect setting to fall asleep.
        Suddenly, a furry body made itself known by laying down on my chest. I opened my eyes and saw Molly staring at me. She batted my nose with her paw and hissed before curling up into a ball. I stroked her fur and she started to softly purr after a moment.
        "This cat's thoughts are confusing. I can't tell if it likes me or hates me."
        Elizabeth put the book on the table and took a seat on the cushion by my feet.
        "Maybe it's both. She knows you're a hunter. I mean, she is too. But you're also a good person, so it balances out. She's probably just as confused as you." She shrugged. "Animals are a bit difficult for me to read."
        It soon got late.
        "I guess I'll be going then." Elizabeth stood up.
        In the months I've known her, Elizabeth has never stayed here throughout the night more than a few times. Actually, I never really asked her either, so I suppose it's my fault, but I didn't want to see her go just yet.
        "Why don't you stay? You said yourself, you don't do much at night. We can watch another movie if you'd like."
        Elizabeth nodded. "I'd like that, Darling. I can make sure you don't use precious Molly as a late snack either while I'm at it," she added with a wink.
        I laughed at her joke, shaking my head as I searched for a film, horror like she'd requested. Elizabeth laid her head on my left shoulder, and Molly laid sleeping on a blanket that had been put on the cushion for her. I liked this; it seemed like a normal night. It was as if anyone looking in would think we were both normal people, staying up for a movie with their cat. Nothing supernatural at all.
        "I haven't seen this one. It's supposed to be the scariest ever," Elizabeth noted with an eager grin.
        I hadn't realized I'd put my arm around Elizabeth's shoulder until I felt her snuggle more into my side. Again, I found myself looking down at her as she watched. During one gory scene, her nose scrunched up, and she looked. . . adorable.
        I felt my eyebrows furrow. I don't think I'd ever described someone as that. Bella had always been the most beautiful and interesting creature I'd ever encountered, but she'd never had the outgoing, and, well charming nature that Elizabeth possessed. I'd never described her as cute, or anything like that.
        I sighed. Well, there goes my record for not thinking about Bella.
        I didn't know why I was feeling so conflicted, or about what, and I was thankful Elizabeth was distracted for the moment, so she wouldn't feel my confusion as well.
        Elizabeth squealed and jumped under my arm as a particularly horrific scene came on, and this snapped me from my thoughts. She hid her face in my chest, laughing at her own fright. I wrapped both arms around her, enjoying the feeling of being able to help her like she had for me, even if it was only for a movie. I smiled, and moved some hair from her face.
        "Scared?" I asked.
        She answered me with a grin, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, but that's part of the fun."
        Her face was close to mine, and I quickly studied every inch. I could feel her breathe on my face. It felt cool and soothing. My arms were still around her, and I found myself hesitant to let her go when she tried pulling away, so I didn't.
        Her eyebrows furrowed as she noticed my reluctance to release her. "Edward, is something wrong? You feel-"
        I cut her off, wondering what exactly brought on my behavior. "Confused? Unsure? Split in half-"
        I stopped talking. Curious? About what? Sure, I wanted to know why I'd been comparing her and Bella moments ago, even though I'd promised not to. I also want to know why I'd rather hold Elizabeth during the movie than let her be as she liked. I also wanted to know what brought on this sudden change in thoughts, why was I suddenly acting like this?
        Why this? Why that? Why couldn't I be sure about my thoughts for once?
        Elizabeth's cool hand touched my cheek. "Edward. Come back, alright. Tell me what's wrong."
        My eyes refocused on the spirit. I couldn't tell her what was wrong; I didn't know what myself. Elizabeth's eyes were staring right into mine. I was holding her tightly, but she didn't seem to notice as she lightly tapped my cheek.
        "Okay, okay. You feel conflicted. What are you thinking about?"
        "I-I-" I tried to tell her that I didn't know, but then got an idea on what I could do to try help sort out my mind. "I want to try something."
        She nodded her head. "What is it?"
        My hand reached up and brushed some more strands away from her face. I cupped her cheek and brought her head closer. The movie was still playing in the background, but I barely heard it.
        I had to be sure I wasn't being crazy. I had to be sure there was a reason I was comparing them.
        Giving her plenty time to pull away, I kissed Elizabeth.


        I kissed Elizabeth. And she kissed back.
        I couldn't understand that I was actually doing this. I only wanted to see the difference between her and Bella.
        When did I become so forward in order to get answers?
        But I could tell the difference between them even more. Now that I wasn't as consumed by a need to see Bella, I could feel Elizabeth's kiss, instead of pretending it was Bella's. It was unhurried and sort of calm, while Bella's had been more fast-paced, as well as a little rash.
        Elizabeth wrapped her hands around my neck.
        They were opposites. Not necessarily better than the other, but different. I could really see that now.
        And if I was being a little bit honest, though a little shocked, I actually preferred Elizabeth's way of showing affection.
        Elizabeth broke the kiss, and I rested my forehead in the crook of her neck, feeling guilty even though she'd kissed back.
        "Thank you. I'm sorry for using you like that, I just- I had to make sure."
        "I understand, Edward, but don't think you can just do that whenever you feel like you need to make a comparison."
        I nodded against her neck. "I'm sorry," I repeated.
        "Don't worry about it. Let's finish the film."
        She moved out from my grasp, moving to pick up Molly and sit her in her lap. She complied, easily curling up in her arms.
        I sighed. I knew she was a little upset, but not as much as I thought she'd be. I turned back to watch the screen, seeing as I wouldn't be able to examine her expression without her noticing.
        Maybe. . .
        I made sure to focus my eyes on the screen while the rest of the movie played, but I trained my thoughts onto the mind of the cat sitting on her lap.
        I could see through Molly's eyes as she glanced about the room.
        Look up, look up. As if the calico was able to read my thoughts, she looked up at Elizabeth. She had a small smile playing on her lips, which she was trying hard to hide. She glanced down at me- well, Molly- and gave her a scratch behind the ears.
        Maybe, I hadn't been the only one to enjoy it.

My Angel E.C.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora