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How did she know who Victoria was? Elizabeth sounded terrified. I bared my fangs further.
Victoria smirked, "Hello. It's been a long time, no see for both of you."
I tried to listen to her thoughts, but she wouldn't think of anything besides a human she fed off of during the night. The thoughts of sweet blood running through her head were distracting me. I knew that's what she wanted so I pulled away from her mind.
"What do you want?" I snarled at her.
She hissed at me. "Careful. I see you're still touchy after your pet died. She must've if she's not with you. What you couldn't stomach the thought of turning her into a monster like you?"
I snapped my teeth together, growling, and Elizabeth clutched the back of my cape.
"Edward, don't listen to her," Elizabeth said. I could feel her shaking. "Victoria, leave."
"Quiet," she ordered Elizabeth, and I growled louder. "Anyway, this doesn't concern you. I've got some unfinished business with the thing hiding behind you."
Elizabeth was shaking. "Leave me in peace. Please."
"No, I told you I'd find you, didn't I?"
"What do you want with Elizabeth?" I demanded.
"I need to keep a promise."
"With who? And why does it concern Elizabeth?"
Victoria's eyes turned a darker shade of red, and she started to circle around us. I made sure to keep Elizabeth out of her site. "My mate."
"James is dead."
"I know! You and your clan killed him! And for what? A stupid human who was just going to die anyway!"
I was ready attack, but I didn't want to step away from Elizabeth.
"You didn't answer. What does this have to do with Elizabeth?"
Victoria suddenly threw her head back in a laugh. "Didn't you tell him how you died?"
Elizabeth kept quiet, but I heard her whimper. I've never seen her so scared.
What had she said?
She turned her back, so I couldn't see her face. She didn't say anything for a while, and I was sure she wouldn't answer, but then she said, "I was murdered."
"You mean- you and James," I put the pieces together.
Victoria nodded. "James wanted to turn her. Laurent was the only one of us without a mate, so he decided to find him one as a gift. Laurent was unsure, but James convinced him. I think James liked this one because she looked a little like me." Elizabeth scoffed, and I internally smiled, but Victoria glared and Elizabeth became quiet again. "We followed her to London. It was so easy for us to grab her. Ah, her screams were like music."
Elizabeth buried her head in my back, and I was becoming angrier by the second.
"We each bit her. Her blood was so sweet that James kept drinking. Soon, she dried up, but Laurent hoped she could be saved, so we kept putting more venom in her. She died anyway."
Victoria shrugged. "To be honest, I didn't think it was that much of a loss. However, we still decided to stick around for a little longer. They found her body, buried her, too, but imagine our surprise when we saw a girl who looked just like her, walking around, very much alive."
My jaw was clenched through her speech. So that's how Elizabeth lost her life.
"James thought this was the best news. A creature that could live forever that wasn't a vampire. He wanted to make more, emptying humans of their blood and then replacing it with venom. But first, we had to find her. She kept hiding from us, even with James' tracking. He never got the chance because after we moved back to America for a bit, you killed him because of an insignificant little meal."
"You were on our territory, and we told you not to harm her!"
Elizabeth flinched but remained attached to me.
Victoria seemed to calm, but there was still fire in her eyes. "I suppose that doesn't matter anyway. That," she pointed her chin towards Elizabeth, "is going to come with me. I am going to finish what James started."
I moved my hand back to squeeze Elizabeth's arm in reassurance.
"Over my dead body."
Victoria smirked. "With pleasure."
Yelling a war cry, she ran towards me. Pushing Elizabeth back, I did the same. Her arm stretched out and came in contact with my neck, making me land on my back. I stood up while she continued on to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth kept teleporting into trees, but Victoria started to climb and jump into every one that she put herself in. I ran and jumped, ripping Victoria from a branch. As we fell she twisted, so that I was underneath her when we hit the ground. We bit and clawed at each other, each trying to get the upper hand, rolling over each other as we reached for each other's throats.
"An eye for an eye," Victoria growled into my ear before biting it off and spitting it out next to my head. I yelled in pain.
I rolled out from underneath her to try to gain some leverage, but she jumped onto my back, grabbing a hold off my neck. I ripped her off of me, spinning her in a circle and throwing her into a tree. She landed on her hands and feet in a crouched position. She sprinted towards me again, this time tackling me so we both fell to the ground. She secured a grip on my head and pulled with immense force. There was a searing pain in my neck as she tried to rip my head from my body. I tried to pull her hands away, but I could feel myself becoming weaker as light began to fade from the edges of my eyes.
I could hear a loud sound as if sheets of metal were being ripped apart, as well as someone screaming. I thought it was Elizabeth who was screaming in so much pain, but then I heard her yell, "Edward!" It was me, then.
I couldn't breathe, and darkness was taking over my eyesight.
"Edward!" Elizabeth's voice was faint now. "No, please, stop! I'll go with you! Please, just stop before you kill him!"
I felt myself lose consciousness. This was how I was going to die.
I'm sorry, Elizabeth.

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