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My head snapped up, and the light that penetrated the window blinded my sensitive eyes.
        I hissed and ducked my head again to escape the brightness and go back to the darkness I had been living in.
        "Edward?" the voice repeated.
        No, it wasn't Bella's. It was lighter, more musical.
        "Elizabeth," my voice sounded foreign to me, "go away."
        She didn't listen, instead stepping forward. I couldn't hear her, but her voice was closer.
        "Edward, I-"
        "Go away!" I yelled. I didn't want her there. I didn't want her to see me. But it felt strange telling her to leave me; it felt wrong.
        "Was that why you ran away from me?" she asked, her voice low. "She was human, and I reminded you of her. Edward, I'm so sorry."
        I sighed, accepting the new information that she was too stubborn to listen to me. "How did you know?" I asked, still not looking at her.
        I could tell that she was now seated next to me, judging by the sound of her voice being at my right side. "You're heartbroken. It's clear to see."
        I barked out a laugh that, even to my ears, sounded so harsh and empty. "Am I that transparent?"
        She hesitated.
        "No," she said softly, "but, remember, I'm good at reading people."
        I didn't reply. "How long?" she asked.
        I lifted my head, sighing again. I looked at her, how perfectly put-together she looked, and I figured I must have looked as much of a mess as I felt. I expected her to laugh at me. What else would I expect besides mockery for my wretchedness? But, her eyes only held curiosity and concern.
        "It's been two hundred and ninety-one years, and not a moment goes by where I don't think of her."
        Elizabeth nodded. "Alright, so, talk to me. What was she like?"
        Oddly, with only knowing Elizabeth for less than a few days, I trusted her. None of my instincts told me to keep away from her.
        So I told her everything. I told her how I had went back to the state of Washington from Alaska, only to find the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her blood tempted me more than anything I've ever came in contact with, and I had tried to avoid her. I even told her how I had hated Bella at one point for threatening the careful life Carlisle had set up for us. I told her about falling in love, and how I felt when I learned, without caution, even with knowing who I was, she loved me back. Then, I told her about losing Bella to the werewolf, and how I now live in complete anguish for what will never be mine.
        By this time, I can barely keep myself composed. But I had to explain one more thing: why I'd run off.
        "When I think of- of her, I can keep the pain in. I can't escape my own thoughts, so I've learned to deal with it, at least to an extent. But when I'm. . . reminded of her by anyone else, even my family, sometimes I just- I just- I-"
        "Shhh, it's okay. You don't have to continue. I understand. You've been too strong for too long." She spoke soothingly, reassuringly. It was so different from Bella, who'd always needed the comfort, which I'd always enjoyed providing.
        But right now, I needed someone who would comfort me while I cried, someone who didn't need me to explain myself.
        Someone who wouldn't judge my weakness, and didn't expect me to be strong enough for both of them.
        I needed Elizabeth.
        So I cried to her. I hugged her and cried into her chest, while she rubbed soothing circles into my back.
        I couldn't feel her exactly, but her skin was ice cold, how I imagine humans felt vampires;' skin felt when they came in contact with us.
        I sobbed until I was at the point that- if I had any- I would have run out of tears. All the while, I heard Elizabeth softly singing a song I've never heard as she stroked my hair. I became silent as I listened to her voice.
        "Darling, it'll all be okay. Darling, don't you worry about today. It'll be better in the morning. Just rest your pretty head, and I'll see you when you wake. Don't worry for the worries of tomorrow. Just make sure to live in today."
        She stopped after a while. I lifted my head, and she wiped my eyes, though they were completely dry. The gesture felt amazing, though, like a mother comforting their child.
        "Are you alright, Darling?" she cooed. "Do you feel any better?"
        I nodded my head. "Not as much as I should be, but yes."
        "There are no expectations for how long until a heart heals," Elizabeth disagreed.
        "I'm sorry you had to see my like this."
        She smiled. "I'm lucky I saw you at all, Darling. It's been almost a week."
        "Yes, I was afraid you'd left England." She attempted a small chuckle, but only managed to sound sad.
        I didn't like to hear her sound like that, so I changed the subject.
        "What were you singing?"
        "Oh, it was something my mother used to sing to me when I was small. It would always calm me down when I was upset. It was my lullaby, you could say. I thought it'd help, Darling."
        "Why do you still keep calling me 'Darling'?"
        "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize. I'll stop if-"
        Without thinking, I cut her off. "No!"
        She jumped. " I mean, it's alright. I actually like it. Thank you for sharing it with me. You have a beautiful voice."
        Elizabeth smiled. "You're welcome."
        I looked around at the mess I'd created. Elizabeth did the same.
        Trying to lighten up the situation, she asked, "Wild night?"
        I chuckled. "I guess you could say that."
        I flipped the couch over and put it back in its original place.
        "Here, I have an idea," Elizabeth said.
        "Yes, 'oh,'" she replied, rolling her eyes. "Go out for a couple of hours. Hunt some wild game in the forests on the coast. I'll clean up the mess."
        "I couldn't possibly ask you to-"
        "Well, you weren't asking me. I offered." Elizabeth rose from her spot and lightly pushed me towards the door. "With your speed, you'll be there in about an hour. Relax for a bit. By the time you get back everything will be back where it belongs."
        I looked at her skeptically, or tried to over my shoulder, as I allowed her to continue guiding me to the door. "And just how are you going to fix all of this in a couple of hours?"
        "I am offended, Mr. Cullen. You should know by now that I'm a mysterious girl. Don't worry, Darling, I've got my ways." She winked before she shut the door in my face.
        I shook my head, chuckling slightly. Elizabeth was certainly an interesting girl. I decided that I liked her company like she had said that she had liked mine. Grinning to myself, I made my way outside and started to run to the coast, making sure no one could see me with the rate I was going.
        As I ran, I thought about the pet name, Elizabeth had, apparently, given me. Darling.
        I liked the way it sounded coming from her mouth.
        She could be a very good friend.

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