Letter Fifteen

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I felt like a zombie when I got in there. The water in my clothes weighing me down as I asked for Ouma's room number and I walked up the stairs.

The whole area was so quiet except for the sound of machines beeping in the distance.

Eventually I came into a hallway and saw a bunch of patients in the hospital gowns sitting outside a door. Some were in wheelchairs or had IV's and they all looked frail as if they could break in a second.


One with purple hair and round glasses along with a flower crown saw me and ran over.

"A-are you Saihara?" She asked tears in her eyes and I nodded and before another word they shoved me into the room.

"Hey...don't mess with the boss got it?" One threatened, "I won't" I promised and they closed the door. I turned over to look at him.

His skin was so pale I couldn't imagine how it was possible, his hair seemed oily

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His skin was so pale I couldn't imagine how it was possible, his hair seemed oily. Maybe because how much he seemed to be sweating from whatever illness was invading his body? His arms were bony and frail. Something told me he hadn't been eating much.

His expression looked pain as the oxygen mask around his mouth kept foaming. The monitors beepinf synchronized saying he was alive.

His face didn't have any of that joyful energy I usually expected as I pulled up in a chair next to him, nearly knocking over the pills on his bed side table.

He was fast asleep, which seemed good as the bags underneath his eyes heavily suggested how long he hasn't slept for.

"Hi Ouma..." I greeted. He didn't even open his eyes. I wonder if he could tell I was there? Could he hear me?

"I found you...I didn't cheat I promise...I read all your letters...and I'm going to come every day and visit you...and if...and when you get better everythings going to change ok?" I told him. I felt tears forming, "so just focus on getting better alright?" I begged him.

He gave me no response. Just the chill of the hospital and the oxygen machine running his heart monitor assuring me he was still alive.

"I'm sorry, for the fight by the way...and all those awful things I said...about how I never should've met you...I take it all back.

"You are one the greatest people I ever met in my life. And I don't want this to be the end.

"Please drive me crazy with your jokes again, tell a thousand lies leaving me wandering around in the labyrinth you always seem to create. Make me buy you and your organization tea every single day...wake up and tease me for how flustered I get.

"I need you Ouma. I can't even imagine life without you...so when the time comes to wake up...please wake up" I begged, I didn't even notice I was crying.

I squeezed his hand tightly, and for all it was worth Ouma's expression softened at the touch.

"You won't ever get hurt again, I promise...I'm going to protect you ok?" I promised.

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