Letter Nine

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Where the knights of the 53rd order meet.

Is he telling to go to the coffee shop after I was just there? It was right there..and I didn't notice...

Wait a second. Everyone is at the coffee shop by now...and might find the letter...!

I quickly ran down the street as fast as I could towards the cafe and opened the door to see everyone huddled over...

The letter. Oh gosh Ouma I'm sorry...

"Saihara...what is this?" Akamatsu asked looking over at me, tears were in her eyes.

"Uh..." I stuttered "is this what you have been doing the last few days?" Momota asked.

"Yeah..." I answered, "I've been trying to find Ouma. I don't know where he is still and I keep chasing after these letters to find him" I admitted.

"Can you please give the letter...?" I asked and Momota nodded taking out a single sheet of paper and handing it over to me.

"What about the other one?" I asked, "it's actually for the rest of us" Momota told me.

"What?" I asked, "Ouma asked us to do something for him...and we will" Harukawa said distantly.

"What did he ask?" I questioned, "we can't tell you till you find all the letters Saihara...don't worry we believe in you" Momota told me.

There are five letters left.

I just nodded, "make sure you get some sleep ok?" Akamatsu asked. I nodded, "it's Friday but that doesn't mean you can stay up all night searching" Amami added.

"I won't...I've gotta go...I have to give someone a panta when I find him" I joked and left the cafe.

Dear Saihara~

Sorry Saihara this letter isn't just for you. I had some things to say to the rest of the idiots in our class.

Even the space one. Luckily I think they'll do as I say even if it's just for you, so that's fine.

Oh by the way I'm running out of paper writing all these for you, I had to take some of Riko's old origami paper.

She probably isn't happy about that. She's one of the DICE members. She's a happy go lucky jolly rancher. Also high on sugar.

Eh it's fine. She wasn't allowed to use the origami paper anymore anyway cause she kept using scissors.

I mentally slapped myself in the face.

I don't really have anything to say right now to you. It was mostly for your friends.

I wish I had gotten to know them. I mean they probably all hate me but still.

Would have been fun if I at least didn't make them curse silently every time they saw me.

Ouma they would never do that.

It was fun you know. Being in class with you guys, as much as I want to say it you guys aren't boring.

Also I found the mom for DICE, Tojo! She once made cookies for my organization. I had to trick her into doing it but still!

Saihara, Tojo makes the best cookies ever its the best I have ever tasted.

Eiji (another DICE member) says it's because I've only ever tasted the store bought or mix kind but still!

Sadly cookies don't taste that good with panta. Doesn't stop me though.

I doubt anything could ever stop Ouma and his addiction to Panta.

In a later letter I'll tell you more about my organization. They are really cool people Saihara trust me.

I bet they are.

So I was walking around just a few weeks ago thinking of stuff I should do when I had to go.

Which sucks. I really wanted to hang out more with you guys, or at least make fun of Kiibo one last time.

He's just the most fun to mess around with Saihara. Momota just screams and Harukawa threatens me but Kiibo just argues back and sometimes how he does it is funny.

Also Gokuhara is nice. A bit on the idiot side but he would be a good fit for DICE.

Iruma is just a slut, that's all I gotta say about her.

Really Ouma? You had to say that even in a letter?

But yeah you guys are interesting. I can predict a lot of what you do and I can trick you guys into believing anything (ok except you Saihara) but still entertain me.

Never figured you out though. You're a tough cookie to break.

I guess I'll stop wasting your time and give you a riddle.

You'll find it where chaos assumed and is still remembered to this very day.

Bye Saihara.

Kokichi Ouma


I already knew where this was going and the painful memories it would ensue. But I wasn't ready.

Still I headed back to school.

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