Letter Five

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I was late to class. Nearly a whole ten minutes but Ms Yukizome didn't say anything about it. She probably saw the letter and knew.

The fourth letter sat on my desk as I stared at it. It seemed so innocent, it had drawings of drawings of Panta and clown masks along with Ouma drawn with a clown outfit and a black hat and cape.

It seemed so happy.

A apart of me wanted to tell everyone right now exactly what I had read. About the true Ouma that existed inside of these pages.

But Ms Yukizome's words rang inside of my head.

"Even if he didn't tell me not too I still wouldn't have...it's Ouma's secret to tell Saihara, hear it as he intended"

She's right, at least for now. I don't know if she had even read the letter she hid. If she did...did she feel anything?

I'm scared on what kind of rabbit hole I have fallen into. It makes me more guilty knowing that if I hadn't ever found this letter...

When Ouma came back nothing would have changed. I still wouldn't have talked to him much, we would have eventually graduated and go on with our lives.

I'm so glad Ouma actually told me about what happened to him. I hope I can help him...

He's coming back though right? I was gaining an aching suspicion where this will lead. And I really hope I am wrong.


Over the horizon, follow the northern star, high above the ground, there's a tower hidden for all who don't look up.

What the heck does this even mean? It sounded more like a poem than a riddle! And I don't even know where to even start thinking about what Ouma was talking about.

After class I had made another random excuse about why I couldn't walk home with Akamatsu and strangely enough they believed me.

I had no idea where I was supposed to go as I sat on the roof when my eyes widened. On the rooftop on one of the walls was a large mural of the night sky.

Over the horizon was a large and vast forrest. This could be what he means...there's something in the woods and that's where the letter is!

Determined I ran down and set off towards the woods.


Ouma. Why did you hide a letter in the woods? Seriously please tell me what was going through your head when I finally find you.

I walked around the forest clueless and I was considering whether or not I had actually went the wrong way when I thought of something.

high above the ground, there's a tower hidden for all who don't look up.

No...he didn't...

I walked back to the front of the woods and looked up to see a tree house poking out in the distance.

Why do you do this to me?

I walked over to the tree house and ths rope ladder was hanging only halfway down to where I couldn't see it on just eye level.

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