Letter Ten

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You'll find it where chaos assumed and is still remembered to this very day.

Ouma staged the giant prank before his disappearance. It was about last year actually. After me and Ouma had been friends for several months before that.

It just...didn't end well at all. Ouma had made such an eleborate scheme and everyone hated him for it because it ruined several projects and got our whole class detention.

I climbed over the school fense and into the property. The moon loomed over me giving me an ominous glow.

I walked over and saw the fountain. It used be a bright white until it happened. Still remaining was a large stain and the bits of dried blood.

I looked around and looked under the bench to find the letter. I could see the details much as I turned on my phone flashlight.

Dear Saihara~

Remember this Saihara? It was raining a lot afterwards.

I'll try to explain since I didn't get too last time.

Everyone was really stressed about finals and I thought: hey what if I pull a big prank?

Wouldn't that make everyone happier? So I started planning when I thought of something.

This would be my last prank of the year so I might as well finish it off with a bang.

Well I guess I did.

It was originally just going to be bottle rockets. Then I made the rockets more extreme. I added those stupid smoke bombs.

And we all know how it end. The lawn took most of the hit.

I still remembered most of what had happened.

It was a normal day and it seemed to be going fine. We had a big pronect worth most of our grades at the time. We were comparing them in the center when we saw soda spewing out everywhere.

Little smoke bombs appeared and everyone was screaming and then we saw Ouma laughing a tiny bit from behind us.

Then it happened.

One or the bombs matches caught the grass on fire and all hell broke loose. A mini fire started and everyone started screaming as some of us tried to put out the fire.

It grew and grew and eventually...soon enough the whole center of the school was ablaze.

Ouma just stood there and stared. I never caught his facial expression as everyone panicked.

I didn't mean for it to go that way.

I really didn't Saihara. I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry...I didn't mean for your project to be ruined...or for the school to get damaged...or for everyone to hate me after that.

I didn't mean to make you hate me Saihara! Ok? I'm finally saying it cause I didn't then: I'M SORRY!

Ouma...why didn't you say it back then?

It all went wrong and it was all my fault and I know it! And instead of saying sorry I just laughed...I don't even know why...

Why I pretended all this was somehow part of my big master plan because it wasn't!

I...I just wanted to say sorry Saihara...I'm sorry....I'm sorry...

Ouma...I forgave you. I'm sorry.

Then everyone started screaming at me afterwards. Think you remember that right? I got what I deserved for sure.

I got suspended and you all got detention. Guilt by association. And then I like an idiot talked to you....

I was so angry. I thought you had done it on purpose and like an idiot I yelled at you for it.

I said things I shouldn't have.

You were right.

I am nothing but a troublemaker.


I am just a freaking liar.


I am just a f*cking insane person who doesn't known when enough is enough.


I deserved every single word...

No you didn't....

I'm sorry Saihara. I kind of ruined everything huh? I messed up our friendship...our school...all for what?

I didn't hear anyone laughing. It was stupid. I shouldn't have done it.

They were right. All those people.

I am a f*cking little piece of sh*t.

No you're not.

I am a mistake.

Stop it.

I shouldn't have come to your school. So sorry for messing up your life Saihara.

Sorry for sending that letter. I dragged you into this again.

I'm glad you did.

I'm sorry...for everything.

Here's another riddle.

A painted face looms over you.

Sorry Saihara.

Kokichi Ouma

I'm sorry Ouma.

I wish I never said that. Even back then I considered you a friend...and I turned my back on you.

I wish I had just listened to your reasoning. What kind of detective am I? I'm going to apologize ok?

Everythings going to go back to how it used to be...I promise...

This time I'll say sorry.

This time I'll say sorry

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