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Once I got to the school's campus I ran to the residence hall and ran right to Nova's dorm and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" He called out.
"Um, it's me," I replied.
"Please open the door, please open the door!" I whispered to myself.
He opened the door. "Aria? What happened to your face? Who hurt you?" He asked.
I instantly began to break down into tears.
"Aria! Who hurt you?" He repeated.
"Is everyone here?" I asked.
"Yes! Now can you tell me what happened" He asked.
"I am so sorry. I should've listened to you guys. He's a terrible person. He and Xenon!" I cried.
"Woah, woah! Slow down and come inside!" Nova said.
"You guys were right. Everything about my dad is true!" I whispered.
I could see the stress in Nova's face.
"What's going on? What did they do to you?" Cari asked.
"He's taking over the Light Haven on New Years Day. Everyone is being Moon Tested and whoever fails will be suspended. And Astro, he's being publicly executed for keeping the Light Haven a secret!" I cried.
Cari, Apollo and Nova began freaking out.
"So basically he's killing everyone in the Light Haven?" Cari asked.
"Everyone who was sent over there already failed the Moon Tests!" Nova exclaimed.
"Why would he do this?" Cari asked.
"Power!" I exclaimed. "Knowledge is power and he doesn't want anything around that can threaten his power!" I wiped my tears.
"I knew it," Nova mumbled.
"I'm sorry. You guys told me and I just didn't listen even though the facts were right in front of my face! I was being so closed-minded. This is all my fault!" I said.
"No! This is nobody's fault. Nothing happened yet. We still have time to come up with a plan!" Said Apollo.
The four of us began to brainstorm before we were interrupted by my phone ringing.
"It's Artemis!" I gasped.
"Answer it!" Cari said.
I nodded. And put the phone on speaker.

"H-Hello?" I asked.
"Aria! Where are you?" He asked.
"I left. I needed space after the fight," I said.
"Where. Are. You?" He asked in a more serious tone.
"Dream Wave." I replied.
"With Nova and Cari, huh?" He asked.
"Mhm," I said.
"I told you!" Xenon hollered in the background.
"Aria. Those two betrayed you, and now you're back with them? Just come home," he said.
Nova and Cari gave me a confused look.
"No they didn't, you and Xenon did. I'm fine right here. Besides. I don't feel safe knowing she can get away with attacking me!" I said.
"Aria. This is an order, not an option. Come home now, or there will be consequences that you won't like!" said Artemis.
I looked over to Nova, Cari and Apollo. They all shook their heads 'no'.
"I'm staying here. It's for the best," I said.
Artemis sighed. "The war is being moved to Christmas Day!"
"What?! No!" I exclaimed.
"And the first ones out are your little friends: Nova and Cari!" He added.
"Why? Why are you doing this?!" I asked.
"This was already apart of the plan. I knew these two were no good the second they came over to dinner. They're smart. Too smart. I'm sure they know something that could ruin our plans," he said.
"What makes you think that?" I asked.
"They have some of the highest GPA's ever!" Xenon called out.
"And I know about your trip to the Light Haven." He said.
"How'd you find out?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it, I have eyes everywhere!" He boasted. "Also, tell your friend Nova the next time he decides to sneak in my home to eavesdrop, be quieter... actually, don't bother. There won't be a next time!" He added.
He and Xenon both broke out into an evil laugh. I looked up at Nova. He looked furious.
"You're lucky you're my daughter, Aria. Because you would be suspended right with them!"
"Trust me! You don't need to suspend them! I promise you, they aren't as smart as you think they are!" I said looking over to Cari and Nova. Cari started panicking. "I'm the reason their grades are so good! I basically do the work for them! And I promise you, they don't suspect anything. They're too clueless to pick this up!" I added.
"You don't need to lie, Aria!" He said.
"I'm not lying! I'm telling the truth!" I lied. "Just leave them alone! Please? I'm begging you!"
"Enjoy your last few days with them, Aria," Artemis said.
"What do I have to do? I can come home now?" I pleaded.
"Don't bother. We've made up our minds weeks ago. We'll see you on Christmas," he said before hanging up.

I dropped my phone as Cari let out a loud cry.
"I can't be suspended! I don't want to die. I'm too young!" She panicked.
"Relax! You're not gonna die!" Nova yelled.
"You heard the man!" Cari yelled. "It's too late! We're screwed," she said before putting her face into her hands.
"Don't say that!" Apollo yelled. "I am not letting you two, Astro, or the people of the Light Haven die without a fight. Not on my watch! Now I need you to get it together!"
"I have a plan!" Nova yelled.
"Let's hear it!" Apollo demanded.
"Aria, you have to kill Artemis," he said.
"What?" I mumbled.
"And Xenon too!" He added. 
"N-Nova are you sure?" Apollo started.
"What else can we do? They already made up their mind. It's the only way to keep the war from happening! Think about it. The people of the Moon Haven aren't just taught to obey Artemis. They're taught to obey authority, the law. With Artemis and Xenon dead, it leaves Aria in power which she then can call of the war!" Nova said.
"It makes sense," Cari mumbled.
"I-I don't know!" I stuttered.
"What do you mean you don't know? Even after what these two have done to you, what they're going to do to us, you don't don't know if you want to kill them?" Nova asked.
"Nova! You're asking for a lot. You want me to end two lives?" I asked.
"If that means it'll save thousands of innocent ones? Yes!" Nova replied.
"Aria, he's right. This might be our only choice!" Apollo said.
"If you don't do this, we will never see our families!" Cari cried.
"If you don't do this, we won't even be alive a week from now," Nova said.
The room went silent.
"You're right, I have to do this!" I said. "But how?"
"You can stab them?" Cari suggested.
"Umm, what if I just suffocate them while they're sleeping. Not too messy, and I can leave the premises while they're...dying." I suggested.
"That sounds like a plan!" Apollo smiled.
I frowned.
"Aria, I know this is gonna be hard. I get it, it's your dad and you'll always have love for him. But you have to do what's right. What's best for your city. This is your Haven!" Nova said holding my shoulder. "Save it, before it's too late!"
I nodded and took a deep breathe. "Let's shut this war down!"

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