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I watched as Nova walked out of the building.
"Lets go Ash," said Dove giving me a dirty look.
I turned to Cari.
"Why are you doing this?" Cari asked.
"Doing what?" I asked.
"Pulling away, distancing yourself? I can see you want to be with Nova but you're like...forcing yourself to be mad!" She said.
I wanted to argue back, but she was right.
"I don't know, I really... don't know. I don't know how to deal with situations like this. It's always been just me, Xenon and my dad! But I really like Nova!" I cried.
"Then prove it! Stop being so childish. We're Fivers. You need to talk, stop pulling away. That doesn't fix anything." Cari said. She started walking to the front doors.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm meeting up with Val in the dining hall to see what her schedule is," she said.
"I'm coming too!" I yelled running after her.
"No you're not. You're going to Nova's to tell him how you feel," she smiled.
"No! I-I can't! Not now!" I stuttered.
"Listen, you don't have to confess your love to him," she mocked. "Just, clear the air. Make it known that you're not mad at him. Because you're not!"
"I'm pretty sure I am," I mumbled.
"Trust me, it's not Nova you're and at. That emotion you're feeling. That's jealousy." Cari smirked. "You know that Dove likes Nova too and you're jealous of the time they spend together and the fact that they kissed." Cari whispered.
"You're right," I sighed.
"I know I am. But you need to stop taking your frustration out on Nova by being petty and just talk to him before it's too late!" Cari yelled. She gave me a hug then walked back to the dining hall.
During my trip back to the dorms, I rehearsed my lines in my head. I wanted to let Nova know that I'm not mad at him, and I needed him to know I liked him without directly saying it. I was so nervous for this conversation but like Cari said, we needed to have it. Before I knocked on the door I took a deep breath.
"It's okay, Aria. You got this," I whispered to myself as I gently knocked on the door.
"Oh hey, Aries!" Dove yelled swinging the door open.
You've got to be kidding me!
"It's Aria," I mumbled. Nova came to the door.
"Hey, Aria, you can come in!" said Nova.
"I'm good. I just wanted to know if—um... if you've seen, Cari?" I lied.
"No, she was just with you in the administration building, right?" He asked.
Dove and Ash giggled.
"No? I mean...yea, I— um," I couldn't get my words out.
"Why are you really here, Aria?" Ash asked.
"Yea, you clearly didn't expect to see us here," Dove laughed.
I looked over to Nova. "Forget it."
Before I walked to my dorm, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey wait!" Said Nova.
"Just leave me alone, I'll see you around," I said without turning back. I grabbed my keys to unlock my door. I could feel the three of them staring at me. My hands were shaking and tears began running down my cheek. I dropped the keys before opening the door and when I dropped down to get it, I bumped my head on the door. "Ouch," I muttered.
"Oh my god," said Dove. Her and Ash began to laugh hysterically. I rushed in my room slammed the door and jumped into my bed. I was so embarrassed.
Why am I such a mess.
"Hey did you talk to Nova?" Cari asked as she walked in about fifteen minutes later.
"No, Dove and Ash are over there and I made a complete fool out of myself in front of them." I cried.
Cari came over and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry, Aria. This is my fault."
"No it's not," I said wiping my tears. "It's my fault for being so weird. I never am like this. I swear I'm normal!" I laughed.
"I know, Aria. You just have a crush. They make people act crazy sometimes," Cari teased.
I smiled.
"So, when are you gonna get dressed? We have classes today, remember?" Cari asked.
"Yea, I'm not going," I said.
"Why?" she asked. "Is it because of what happened?"
"Yes! I can't go back around them. I can't. Not now, but I will eventually, trust me!" I said.
"Fine, I'll trust you. But only because I'm technically the one who got you in this mess," said Cari.
"Yea!" I teased.
"So when are you gonna be able to be around Nova again? You do realize we have the same schedule, right?" asked Cari.
I sighed, "I don't know."
It was Tuesday. Not the-next-day Tuesday, but next Tuesday. It's been eight whole days that I've been hiding out in my room but I'm finally ready to go to class. Cari and I just finished getting ready for school and as we were heading out of our room, Nova was waking out of his at the same time.
"Hey Nova!" Cari yelled.
"Hey, Cari!" He said locking his door. When he turned around he looked surprised to see me. "Aria?"
"That's me!" I smiled.
"So, you're finally coming to class?" Nova asked.
"Looks like it," I replied.
"Don't worry, you didn't miss much. It's all review," Nova said.
"You two think you're sooo cool since you were homeschooled, huh?" Cari accused.
I shrugged. Nova laughed.
"You're actually really smart!" Nova said.
"I don't know if I should say thank you? Or..."
The three of us laughed.
"No! I mean, compared to all the other kids at this school. They all seem to only care about partying and popularity!" Nova added.
"Not gonna lie, I care about all that too!" Said Cari.
"Yea, but you also care about school," said Nova.
"You calling me a nerd?" asked Cari.
"There's nothing wrong with liking school!" I said.
"Yea, tell that to the other kids in this school!" said Cari.
"Those kids are the ones who are gonna suffer after graduation!" Said Nova.
"Graduation is so far away. Let's not worry about that right now. Let's just focus on right now, getting to class... on time!" Cari yelled running to the elevators.
"See look, she really does care about school!" Nova teased.
"Shut up!" Cari yelled from down the hall.
Nova and I laughed.
"Glad that you're back," Said Nova.
I looked up to him and smiled, "me too."
"Are we early? Where is everyone?" I asked looking around the classroom. There was only 4 other students besides us.
"No, the gangs all here, besides a few others." Nova laughed.
I followed Nova and Cari to the desks.
"We sit back here," Nova said sitting in the desk next to Cari. I sat in front of Cari.
"Oh, and remember, Ash and Dove are in this class," Cari said.
I rolled my eyes, "speak of the devil." In came Dove, Ash and a few others behind them.
"Who are they?" I asked.
"They're some of the popular Fivers." Cari said.
"I'm here! Class is now in session!" Dove announced. All of her friends began to laugh and follow her to the seat next to Nova.
"Hi, Nova," Dove said standing next to him running her fingers through his hair.
Nova smiled, "Hi, Dove. Free scalp massages?"
"Just for you," Dove winked.
There it goes. That feeling of jealousy. I wish I was running my fingers through Nova's hair.
Dove gave me a look. "Aries." She said.
"Aria." I corrected.
"What made you come to class today?" She asked.
I shrugged, "just kinda felt like it. Why? Does that bother you?"
"Ohhhhh!" The guys snickered.
"Yea. It does." Dove started. "This class was actually really fun, but now that you're here..."
All of the popular kids began to laugh.
"Dove, can you shut up... for once?" asked Cari.
"I'm sorry, was I talking to you?" Dove asked.
"No, but I'm talking to you. I'm tired of just sitting around and letting you disrespect my friend when she has done nothing wrong to you!" Cari exclaimed.
"What are you talking about?" Dove asked folding her arms.
"First of all, her name is Aria. It's not that hard to comprehend. You purposely left her out of your suite party, then you made fun of her for getting wasted at the pool party when pretty much everyone was drunk." Cari started.
"I'm pretty sure I did invite her to the suite party, but go off!" Dove sassed.
"Not the first suite party! You only invited me to the second party because you wanted Nova to come!" I added.
"Well then, if you guys feel this way about me, why did two come to my suite floor party?" Dove asked.
Cari and I looked at each other.
"You guys sound like you don't like me, but still try to be around me. Are you my haters or my fans? Which one?" Dove asked.
The group laughed.
"We didn't go to the party for you, Dove. The entire grade was there. It was a public party!" Cari yelled.
"Oh, just shut up! We get it, Cari! You're just mad that you aren't in our clique anymore. Can't you get it in your head? Dove and I don't want to be friends with you!" yelled Ash.
"Last week, I thought I still had a chance of being friends with you guys again but that changed. I'd rather be sent to the Light Haven than be associated with you two." Cari hollered.
The group went silent.
"Really? The Light Haven?" Dove cried. She wiped her eyes.
"Is she serious right now?" I asked.
"Stop being so rude!" Dove snapped.
I couldn't believe this girl was crying right now.
"I'm the rude one? You're the one who has been constantly picking with me! I just finally standing up for myself!" I retaliated.
"Guys, lets try to calm down!" Nova suggested.
"Wow, Nova. I can't believe you're friends with these monsters!" Dove yelled. "Come on, lets sit over here since clearly we're not welcome on this side of the class." Dove said leading the group to the other side of the room.
"I'm sorry, but wasn't she the one who basically said that I ruined this class just by showing up?" I whispered.
"Yea, and we're the monsters?" Cari chuckled.
"Nova, come sit over here man!" One of the popular guys yelled.
"I'm okay," Nova insisted.
"Please Nova, don't leave me hanging!" Dove begged.
"Just go," I said.
Nova sighed before moving his seat.

"I can't believe her," I mumbled.
"I can. She's always been like this. I just can't believe I dealt with her for so long. I literally used to be just like Ash. Dove's little minion." Cari cringed putting her face in her palm.
"Thanks, Cari," I whispered.
"For what?" She asked.
"For standing up for me. It really meant a lot." I said.
"Don't have to thank me. I should've a while ago!" She said.
"Hey! Why don't we all just leave before Mr. hope gets here!" yelled one of the popular boys.
The entire class got up and ran out of the room except for Nova, Cari and I. Nova came and sat back over to our seats.
"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened earlier," Nova apologized.
"It's not your fault," I said.
"Dove can just be a little crazy, you know?" He asked.
"Oh yea! We know!" Cari scoffed. "You seem to really get along with them though, huh?"
"I try," Nova said. "But I really wish—"
"Nova! Come on!" Dove yelled.
Nova looked back at us.
"You can go," I said.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yes. Just go!" I insisted. 
"No, Nova. Stay. We haven't all hung out together in so long, I miss the three of us," Cari said.
"Me too!" Said Nova.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yea, you guys are cool and to be honest. Hanging out with Dove and them for the past week is getting a little exhausting." He said.
"So why do you hang out with them?" I asked.
"Nova! Are you seriously ditching me right now? Did I do something wrong?" Dove cried.
"That's why. I feel.."
"Trapped?" Cari asked.
Nova nodded.
"Hey! Nova! I'm going back to my suite, you coming?" Dove asked.
"No I think I'm gonna stay here and go to my classes," Said Nova.
"Well, then you leave me no choice," Dove said. "Ash, come back here!"
Ash and the rest of the group came running back to the classroom.
"What's up, Dove?" asked Ash.
Dove came and sat next to me, in front of Nova. "We're gonna keep Nova company," Dove smiled.
Ash rolled her eyes and sat in front of Dove while the rest sort of gathered around.
"You guys don't need to stick around, if you don't want," Nova insisted.
"No. We're staying. Unless you don't want us to," said Dove.
Nova shook his head.
"Great!" Dove cheered.
"Man, Nova. You passed on the suites? I thought you and Dove were gonna—" one of the guys started.
"Let's not talk about this now!" Dove interrupted.
"What are you talking about?" Nova asked.
The entire group started making kissing faces and moaning noises. I felt so uncomfortable.
"I bet Aries wishes she could kiss Nova!" Ash teased.
"She definitely does!" Dove mocked. The group began to laugh. I ran out of the class.
And down the halls. I had no idea where I was going but I had to get away from there. I sat by the gymnasium and just cried. I was so humiliated.
I knew coming back to class today was a mistake.

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