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I was sleeping peacefully until I was woken up by a bunch of laughter coming from the dining room.
I checked the time.
That's weird. My dad always wakes me up at five thirty. Six o clock, if I'm lucky.
I quickly got dressed then crept down the stairs. I saw three soldiers. They were sitting with my dad and Xenon who were both dressed up. My dad was wearing his favorite white button up that he thinks hugs his muscles perfectly. And Xenon, she was wearing a red body-con dress which was shorter, tighter, more revealing than normal. Whatever they were talking about must've been important.
"They're gonna have a Merry Christmas—!" The one soldier laughed.
"And a happy new year!" my dad replied. The group broke out in a huge laughter.
"Aria!" My dad smiled.
The five turned towards me as I tip-toed into the dinning room.
"You're still in your pajamas! Hurry and change into something nice, we have company!" Xenon ordered. I gave her a weird look.
"Have a seat, Aria. We were just having some coffee with some of our lovely Night Lawn soldiers," my dad said.
I smiled, "what were you guys talking about?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing!" Xenon smirked. "Don't worry about it!"
Xenon and the soldiers laughed.
"You were talking about something... and considering one day I'll be ruler, I think I have a right to know about it!" I said. "So, let's try this one more time. What are you guys talking about?" I asked giving Xenon a fake smile.
"Attitude much?" Xenon said. I rolled my eyes.
"Aria, we were just telling the guards about our secret project we just finished last night." Said my dad.
"The one that's been keeping you busy the past few weeks?" I asked.
The five of them nodded.
"Okay... I'm listening," I said.
There was silence.
"Well, the guys and I are gonna head back to the Night Lawn so we can get all the slaves in check so we can do this!" Said one of the soldiers.
"Okay, sure thing. Take it easy!" My dad waved. I watched them walk out the house.
"Okay! What's the plan, and why did he refer the Night Lawn residents as slaves?" I asked with a disgusted look on my face.
Xenon let out an evil laugh.
"And what's been up with you? You've been a bitch to me all morning?" I asked.
Xenon gasped. "Excuse me? Watch your mouth little girl!"
"Aria! Apologize to my wife," My dad ordered.
"What?!" I asked.
"Apologize!" he shouted.
"I'm sorry," I said.
Xenon gave me a dirty look. "I forgive you."
"What were you guys talking about?!" I asked impatiently.
My dad sighed. "Get ready, because it's a lot."
I gulped.

"For decades we've been sending those who failed the Moon Tests to the Light Haven thinking it was a deserted space station but it turns out the Light Haven is a thriving community!" He said.
I acted surprised. "That's great! Right?"
"No, that's not great!" Xenon yelled.
"They are a threat to us! As much as I hate to say it, they are more powerful and out number us by thousands!" My dad said.
"So?" I asked. "I don't think that makes them threatening. I'm sure they're just regular people. If they wanted to do something to us, they probably would of by now."
Xenon rolled her eyes. "Artemis, tell her about the Moon Tests!"
"What about them?" I asked.
My dad sighed. "Aria, I haven't been completely honest with you. I told myself I wouldn't reveal this until you turn eighteen but I trust you. And I know you're ready to hear it now. "
I started to get nervous. "Yea?" I asked.
"The Moon Tests, aren't what you think they are. They are IQ tests. Those who score highest are put into exile," my dad said.
Oh no. Nova and Cari were right.
"Um...why?" I asked trying to keep my cool.
"It used to test people's physical and mental state and sending off those who weren't capable of ensuring our Haven continued to thrive,  but once I came to power, I had a theory!" He started.
"Theory?" I asked.
"If we take out those who are intelligent and keep those who aren't as bright, they'll be easier to manipulate," Xenon said.
I looked at Xenon. "You knew about his theory?" I asked.
Xenon stared at me blankly. "From your dad telling me, of course!" She giggled.
I looked over to my dad. "So. The dumb ones are left here so that they are easy to manipulate. As in, just go with whatever you say?" I asked.
My dad nodded. "It's been working smoothly too! The crime rate has gone down so much ever since we've made those changes and since we have more control, there's a lot more order too!"
Xenon nodded.
I was in so much shock. I was mad at my dad for lying to me and doing something as terrible as this but even more mad at myself for not listening to Cari and Nova.
I stopped and thought for a moment.
"When did you make these changes to the, uh... Moon Tests?" I asked.
"What? Five years ago?" My dad asked Xenon.
She nodded again.
"Um, I think so? Maybe three or four?" Xenon corrected.
"Well what about Dream Wave Academy? That place has no order. It's so chaotic. All the kids care about is partying!" I said. I stopped for a moment.
"You get it?" My dad asked smiling.
"Yea! You set it up that way on purpose!" I exclaimed.
"To make sure the kids embraced party culture and neglect any form of responsibility or education!" He smiled.
"There are still some who are just born smart which is why we continue perform these Moon Tests!" My dad said.
I could not believe what I was hearing. How was I so stupid to not see this before. It all makes perfect sense.
"But now all of the intelligent people are living in a successful space station not too far from us!" Said Xenon.
"Now that we know the Light Haven isn't an abandoned station we need to do something about it!" Said my dad.
"I'm listening," I said getting nervous.
"The leader of the Light Haven obviously didn't want us to know about his space station so as punishment we'll perform a public execution!" My dad said.
"You're kidding?" I asked.
"Why would I be joking?" He asked.
I shrugged.
"All of the Light Haven people will then be Moon Tested, if they fail, they will be suspended. Those who pass, and there won't be many, will live in the Night Lawn." My dad said.
My stomach began to hurt.
"So the Night Lawn? What do the people there do?" I asked.
"Well, it was a giant apartment complex for those who couldn't support themselves after school." Xenon smiled.
"What is it now?" I asked.
"Xenon had the brilliant idea of making them do work for us in exchange for free shelter!" My dad exclaimed.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Anything!" Xenon said. "Felix? He's a Night Lawner!"
"Those soldiers you saw earlier? They have been training an army of men who are gonna help us take over the Light Haven!" My dad added.
I sighed. "You guys, this is insane!"
"Yea, but that's the point. We need to show these people that were are not ones to be messed with!" Xenon yelled.
"The Moon Haven will be going through a lot of changes this new year, but it's for the better!" Said my dad.
"What kind of changes?" I asked.
"Well, exile is no longer a punishment so from now on its automatic suspension. We are also going to have the Night Lawn army patrol our streets to ensure everyone stays in their place," said my dad. "Anyone who disobeys authority will be punished no matter how small the crime!"
"Dad! If you make these laws too strict and the punishments this harsh, people are gonna be too afraid to live their life!" I said.
"Good." Said Xenon. "The only way to ensure we stay in power is to lead through fear and manipulation!" said.
I looked over at my dad who was smiling.
"This will all go into affect on New Years Day!" He said.
That's ten days from now!
"Can't wait!" I lied.
"I know! Neither can I! I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces," Xenon said biting her lip.
I tried to process everything that I was hearing but I just couldn't believe it.
"Well, I'm gonna go back to my room now. I'm still processing all of this," I said walking away from the table.
"I know, it's a lot, but this is what has to be done," my dad yelled out.
I ran up to my room and jumped into my bed. The only thing I could do is cry. Tears of fear, anger, betrayal...all of the above.

"Aria?" My dad asked knocking on my door.
"Please, go away!" I yelled.
"I'm coming in, Aria," Said my dad. Xenon followed him in.
"What's the matter dear, I thought we were all on the same page down there?" Asked my dad.
"Same page? Dad! You want to kill thousands of innocent lives. And for what?" I asked.
"Our safety! Our security! Don't you get it?" He asked.
"No, dad. I don't get it!" I replied. "Can't we just, come up with a different plan? I can help and make sure it's just as effective...but not as...gruesome!" I suggested.
My dad shook his head.
"I knew she wasn't ready to hear all of this, we shouldn't of told her in the first place!" Xenon scoffed.
I wiped my tears. "You mind your own business. You don't even have a say in this. This is between my dad and I!" I yelled.
Xenon put her hands on her hips. "Sorry to break it to you, sweetheart. But I actually do have a say in this, considering most of the plan was my idea!"
She was right.
"Dad, for once can you please listen to me?" I asked. "You don't have to do this. We can figure something out! No one has to get hurt anymore!"
My dad shook his head no.
"Why don't we just all come together as one and share our resources?" I asked.
"That won't work!" Xenon yelled.
"Aria, one day you will be in complete control of the Haven. How do expect to do so with thousands of people who are smarter than you? Some will think they deserve to be in charge and might want to overthrow you!" Said my dad. "I'm not doing this just for the hell of it. I'm doing this so you can rule this space station without having to worry about anyone stabbing you in the back!"
"The only person doing the stabbing is you!" I exclaimed. "And we wouldn't have to worry about being betrayed if we didn't make enemies. But dad, doing this will make thousands of enemies. I can't rule a community where everyone hates me!"
"Why can't you just show appreciation for the sacrifices I've made for you and continue to make for you?" He yelled angrily.
"Because you aren't doing this for me!" I cried. "You're doing this for her!" I yelled pointing at Xenon.
For once, she stood off to the side quietly. Usually, when my dad and I get into these kind of arguments, she takes my side and calms my dad down. But today, she's letting him attack me and siding with him. I've never felt so alone.
"Aria! You need to lower your tone while speaking to your parents!" Xenon ordered.
"Let's get this straight! He's my dad, but you are not my mom and you never will be!" I yelled. "So you can stop trying to take her place because that will never happen!"
"I married your father though, right?" She asked.
I gasped. I couldn't believe she said that. The second she gave me a dirty look my right hand slapped her right across the face leaving a red mark.
Xenon grabbed her cheek in shock. She stood behind my dad who looked beyond infuriated.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so—"
Before I could even say "sorry" my dad slapped me so hard I fell into my bed and landed onto the floor. He stormed over to me and picked me up by the collar of my shirt.
"You will obey your father, and your mother. This plan is going through whether you like it or not!" He dropped me onto my bed. "I shouldn't of ever let you step foot on the Dream Wave. That place has made you even more rebellious than before. You've never disobeyed me or disrespected us like this before!" He yelled.
"I've never disobeyed you because you've kept me locked in this...this cage all my life. All I knew was your way but out there...I had own life! No wonder no one wants to leave the Dream Wave. Once they're let out into the Moon Haven, they become slaves!"I exclaimed.
"Watch your mouth!" yelled my dad.
"The Moon Haven has nothing on the Light Haven. This place? This place is ass! It had the potential to be great but it's complete shit and it's all because of you!" I yelled.
Xenon ran at me and started attacking me. I tried to block her hits. Eventually, I kicked her off of me.
"What's the matter with you?!" I screamed.
"Someone needs to put you in your place! Don't ever disrespect your father and I like that!" She yelled.
"You do not have the right to put your hands on me like that! One day I'll be ruler. I'll be in charge of you!" I hollered.
"But you're not ruler yet!" Xenon yelled. "You're lucky your Artemis' daughter because if you weren't, you wouldn't get all of these passes from breaking the law, you would be suspended by now!"
"Well then lucky me! I am his daughter and I am done keeping my mouth shut and letting you two think for me!" I yelled. "Too bad you can't do anything about it!" I said giving her a fake smile.
"Haven't you noticed? Laws are changing, hun! You better watch yourself!" She smirked.
My smile went away.
"Dad, you're just gonna let her attack me like that?"
He ignored me.
"She basically just threatened my life!" I exclaimed.
He reached his hand out for Xenon and headed towards my door.
"So, that's how it is? You two are crazy!" I screamed.
"Crazy in love!" Xenon yelled back before they both walked out of my room.
I walked over to my vanity. My cheek were red from Artemis slapping me. I had a scratch across my eyebrow, and a busted lip from Xenon attacking me.
I stared at my reflection and cried.
I cried until I heard my dad and Xenon upstairs.
I packed a bag, snuck out the house and took a shuttle to the Dream Wave. I couldn't stay there anymore.
On my ride back to the campus I texted Cari and Nova to meet me at Nova's dorm with Apollo.

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