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A few minutes later I heard the front door open.
"Hey, Aria! Why aren't you at orientation?" Cari asked walking into the room with Val.
"We're just gonna go party today instead," I said.
"Sweet! That's what I like to hear!" Val exclaimed.
"What made you change your mind?" Cari asked.
"Dove," I mumbled.
"Dove?" Val asked.
"Yea. She stopped by Nova's room while we were talking and invited us to the Suite floor party," I told Cari. "Apparently all of the upperclassmen will be there. We should all go as a group!"
"You guys aren't seriously thinking about going to that party...are you?" Val asked.
"I mean, I'll only go if Aria's okay with going," Cari exclaimed.
Val frowned her face. "But it's Dove's and all of the popular kids' party!"
There was an awkward silence in the room.
"Aria, do you really want to go to this party?" asked Val.
I nodded my head, "I mean, yea...I-I kinda do!"
Val rolled her eyes. "This the same girl that didn't invite you to her suite party yesterday?" she said.
I sighed, "Yea, but just because we're going to the party doesn't mean that we have to hang out with her!"
Val shook her head.
"Listen, Val. You're right. Dove did and said some things that made it clear that she doesn't like me, but she also doesn't know me and I don't know her so maybe this party could change that. I just don't want to go into this school year with an enemy. I want this year to be fun!" I said.
Val sighed. "Okay. Whatever,"
Cari and I smiled.
"So you're coming!?!" asked Cari.
"I never said that!" Val chuckled.
"Come on, Val!" Cari begged.
"No! I do not like them, therefore I will not be attending their dumbass Suite Floor party. I'll be with the guys or something," Val exclaimed before walking out of our room.
Cari and I awkwardly looked at each other.
"I'm gonna start getting ready," she said walking towards her wardrobe.

It was two o clock and Cari and I were almost finished getting ready.
"So, you and Nova?" Cari asked.
"Yea?" I replied.
"You never told me what happened with you guys this morning. How was it? I need details!" Cari exclaimed.
I smiled then turned towards her. "I think I really like him!" I whispered.
"Yea, you do!" Cari teased.
"But I'm not sure if he likes me," I replied.
"What makes you think that?" she asked putting down her flat iron. "I think he likes you!" She said.
I sighed. " I don't know. It's just... things started off great. We were telling jokes, I'm pretty sure he was flirting with me. Then when we got to his room, things got deep. He told me he trusted me!" I exclaimed.
"That's good!" cried Cari, "Right?"
"Yea! He told me about his dad and brother who were sent to the Light Haven after failing the Moon Tests," I started.
Cari gasped.
"And then, I told him that my dad was the ruler of Moon Haven, the one who creates and enforces these laws and... I-I think that ruined the moment?" I said.
Cari walked over and sat next to me.
"Why would he like the girl who's dad is the reason why he lost his family?" I asked.
Cari shrugged, "Same reason why I'm best friends with the girl who's dad is the reason I lost my sister. You didn't come up with these laws, so it's not your fault," said Cari.
I nodded. "I know, I just feel so conflicted because I know losing your family to these tests sucks but these aren't just any random tests. They're made to protect us. Keep this city's population under control! It's the only way to ensure both Havens don't end up like the Light Haven because that would be the end of mankind! " I exclaimed.
"Listen Aria, you're freaking yourself out. Nova, he's a great guy! I don't think he would hold this against you! So what you need to do is hurry up and finish getting ready so we can go to this party and have some fun!" Cari exclaimed.
I quickly brushed my hair and stood up. "I'm ready!"
"Okay good! Just let me finish straightening my hair then we can go to the party,"
Just as Cari said that, there was a knock at the door.
"Hey! It's me!" yelled Nova.
"Coming!" I yelled running to the door.
I opened the door and there he was, all dressed up.
"You look great!" We both said at the same time.
"Thanks!" We said again at the same time.
We both laughed, "Come in!" I said.
Nova and I walked and sat on the couch.
"I'm almost ready, I'm just looking for my phone!" yelled Cari.
Nova and I looked at each other and laughed.
"We thought you'd be at the party by now!" I said.
"I overslept but when I woke up I heard your music so I knew you guys were still getting ready too so I figured I'd walk with you guys," he said.
"That was nice of you," I beamed. Nova smiled.
"So, are you gonna drink tonight?" Nova laughed.
"Um, probably not, classes start tomorrow," I said.
"Oh! You're still planning on going to classes tomorrow?" Nova asked.
I hesitated, "Yea! You're not?"
"No! I am! I just, didn't know if you were," said Nova.
"Oh. Yea, I was just going to go to the office building tomorrow and figure out my schedule then or something. I don't know," I shrugged.
"We'll figure it out!" Nova exclaimed.
I smiled.
"Okay! I'm finally ready!" Cari yelled running towards the door.
It didn't take us too long to get to the suites but once we got there, we saw that the floor was packed.
"Wow! It's like the whole school is here!" I yelled.
"That's because it is!" Cari exclaimed.
"No, just the upperclassmen!" Ash corrected stumbling into us. "Hey guys! You made it!" She exclaimed.
"Wow, Ash. You're really drunk," Cari muttered.
"Yea, no shit!" Ash huffed. "Come on, down the hall is me and Dove's room!"
The three of us followed Ash as she stumbled into her room. We walked in and the bedroom was huge! Not as big as mine at home but it was impressive for a school dorm. There were about seventeen kids in the room. Some were in a corner playing spin the bottle. A couple was making out in the bed. Then the rest were scattered around the room drinking and playing around.
"Nova! Cari! Aries!" Dove yelled running over to us.
She jumped into Nova's arms, "I'm so glad you came!" She cheered.
"Thanks for having us!" Nova replied.
"You guys! How do I look?" Dove asked doing a spin. She was wearing a red body con dress and red heels.
"Good!" The three of us said together.
Dove blushed. "Thanks Nova! I thought of you when I picked it out because I know your favorite color is red!"
I looked over to Cari, and Cari rolled her eyes.
"This party looks sick! I can't believe you guys were able to pull this off!" Nova exclaimed changing the subject.
"I know! I'm amazing!" Dove bragged.
Ash took a sip from her cup, "what are you losers waiting for? It's time to have fun!"
We all laughed and went out into the hall. There had to of been over a hundred kids at this point. We danced, sang, met some more kids and before we knew it, it was already ten.
"Aria!" Cari called from the drinks table. I ran over to her.
"Yes?" I asked.
"The party is almost over and you still haven't had anything to drink. This is the last bucket of moonshine!" She said pouring two cups. "Cheers?" She asked.
"Cari! We start class tomorrow!" I said.
Cari nodded and began to drink.
"Oh, what the hell?" I yelled before taking the cup.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! I have an announcement!" We heard Dove yell over the mic. "The Suite Floor party has now come to an end."
The crowd groaned.
"We had a ton of fun, but it's time for you all to get off my floor. See you all around campus!" Dove giggled.

The floor began to empty quickly.
"Hey, lets go find Nova," Cari suggested.
"Oh, don't bother," Ash huffed falling into Cari's arms.
"Ash, what's going on with you?" Cari asked. "You need to go to bed now!"
"Well too bad, I'm not tired!" Ash yelled.
Cari rolled her eyes, "Where's Nova, have you seen him?"
"No I haven't, but I see you two drinking the last bit of my happy juice!" Ash laughed reaching her hand for my cup.
"No, Ash. You've had enough for tonight. You need to go to bed," I advised.
"Who the hell do you think you are? Telling me what to do? You're not Dove!" Ash yelled pushing my cup out my hand. "Now neither of us can drink it!" Ash teased.
I would've been more mad if I planned on finishing my cup, but I wasn't. I looked over to Cari. Cari gave me a nervous smile.
"Ash, you really need to—"
Before Cari could finish her statement Ash turned the other way.
"Whatever, lets just keep looking for Nova," I said.
We walked over by the stairs and elevators. It was so crowded because everyone was leaving at once. In five minutes the entire floor was cleared and still no Nova.
"He probably left while we were with Ash," Cari said pressing the elevator button.
Before we stepped onto the elevator, I saw Ash passed out in the middle of the floor.
"Hey, lets go get her in her room first," I said.
Cari and I ran over, picked up Ash and carried her to the room.
"You open the door while I hold her up." said Cari.
I nodded and went for the doorknob but when I opened the door I saw something that I really wish I could unsee. Dove and Nova kissing.
"Oh! Hey Aries, just put her on the couch or something," Dove said.
Cari and I looked at each other and put Ash in her bed, then walked out of the room, to the elevators and back to our rooms. The entire time I didn't say a word, I just did my night routine and got ready for bed.
"Aria, are you okay?" Cari asked. "You haven't said a thing since..."
I rolled over and looked at the clock which read 1:02am.
"I can't sleep." I said.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Cari asked.
"I think it's these cheap ass pillows!" I grunted.
"Can we get breakfast in the morning before classes?" Cari asked.
"Sure," I muttered.
Before I knew it. There were tears flowing out of my eyes.
"Aria, are you...?"
"I'm fine, I'm just... upset. Upset that I wasted my night at that... stupid party! I should've listened to Val!" I yelled.
Cari turned on the lights and got into the bed next to me.
"Let's talk this out. I'm here." said Cari hugging onto my arm.
I pulled away. "Cari, can you please just leave me be, please?"
Cari nodded and got back into her bed.

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