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*Nova's Point of View*

I set my alarm for eight a.m. so that I had time to go to the dining hall for breakfast. Before I left out I went to see if Aria or Cari wanted to come with.
Cari opened the door after I knocked.
"Morning, Nova," Cari mumbled as she scratched her head.
"Sorry, did I wake you guys up?" I asked.
"Yea, well just me. Aria's still sleeping." Cari mumbled.
"No I'm not!" Aria yelled.
"Oh, well I was just stopping by to see if you guys wanted to go grab some breakfast?" I tried to peak through the door to see Aria. When she looked at me she turned away.
"We'll meet you down in like ten minutes," said Cari.
"Cool, I'll save you guys a seat!" I said.
Cari smiled and nodded before shutting the door.

*Cari's Point of View*

After I shut the door I walked over to my bed.
"I'm at not going," said Aria.
"What? No you have to! I just told him we'd meet him!" I said.
"Well, maybe you shouldn't have," She said before rolling back into bed.
"So what? You're just gonna cut Nova off over a kiss?" I asked.
Aria stopped for moment. She knew how ridiculous she sounded but then nodded anyway.
I sighed. I couldn't believe this girl.
"Look, Aria. I understand why you're upset. I know you really like Nova, but you can't hold this against him!" I said.
"He kissed Dove!" Aria cried. "... who knows what else they did?!"
I rolled my eyes. "It was a kiss. And I doubt they did anything else with Ash in the room." I chuckled. "You also have to remember that you two have only known each other for two days."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Aria asked.
"Nothing! Well... I mean, we just met the kid. You can't expect him to fall in love with you in two days!" I said.
"So, what? You think I'm weird, don't you? For falling this hard for a boy in two days?" Aria accused.
"No, that's not what I said!" I blurted.
"Well, how is it different from what you said? Because it sounds to me like that's what you're implying!" yelled Aria.
"All I'm saying is that you can't expect him to be loyal to you like how a boyfriend would if you haven't even told him how you feel!" I said.
Aria rolled her eyes.
"It's not crazy that you fell for him this quick. He's the first guy your age you've ever met, he's sweet and attractive! I believe in love at first sight! But I also know that communication is key! You need to tell him how you feel! Or else Dove will beat you to it." I said.
Aria sighed. "What if she already did?" she asked.
"You won't know until you talk to him!" I said.
"You're right. But I'm still not going down there. I'm not ready to see him." Aria huffed.
"That's fine, just text and tell him we're not coming down. I'm going back to sleep." I said.

*Nova's Point of View*

It had been ten minutes of me saving Aria and Cari a seat. I figured they were probably running late.
That seems to be their thing.
I got up and went to go grab a waffle from the waffle bar and before I could turn the other way, she saw me.
"Nova!" Dove exclaimed.
"Hey... Dove," I smiled. "Good morning."
"Last night was fun!" She hollered giving me an overly dramatic wink.
Some guy walking past who heard put his hand up for a high-five. I ignored it.
"Yea the party was awesome," I said.
"No silly, I'm talking about last night... In my room?" Dove smirked.
Two girls walked away and began whispering and giggling.
I gave Dove a fake smile and walked over to the cereal. She followed me.
"I thought you would be more of an oatmeal guy," she giggled.
I continued pouring my milk.
"God, Nova. Why are you acting so weird?" Dove asked in her normal mean-girl voice.
I checked my phone to see the time.
Fifteen minutes late.
"I'm sorry, I'm just... tired." I lied.
"You can come back to my room to rest up before classes if you want. Did you get your schedule from the office yet?" Dove asked.
"Not yet, I was gonna go down with Aria and Cari after breakfast." I replied walking my tray back to the table.
"Oh, well Ash and I didn't get ours yet so you can just go with us!" Dove insisted.
"I told Aria, I'd go with her," I said getting impatient.
"Ugh, whatever Nova!" Dove huffed before walking over to her table with the other popular kids. I ate my cereal in silence. Checked my phone again.
Thirty minutes.
I texted Aria to see what was up.

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