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It was about an hour and half later before Nova and Apollo came back to the Dream Wave.
"Hey! What's going on?" I asked. They looked pretty stressed out.
"Whatever it is, it seems important!" Cari added.
"I told Artemis the news about the Light Haven..." Apollo started.
"And?" Asked Cari.
"I told them how I wanted to reunite our people and bring us all together but he refused!" Apollo ranted.
"What! Why?" Cari yelled. I could tell she was upset.
"I don't know why. It seemed like a good plan!" Apollo sighed.
"So, I guess I won't be seeing my sister anytime soon," Cari mumbled.
"Well, you guys, it's not like the Moon Tests and sending people to the Light Haven are just done for fun, they're important!" I said.
"How so?" Nova asked. Cari, Apollo and Nova all stared at me.
"Well, um. They ensure that the ones who are most fit to survive and keep our community thriving has a place in our community—" I started.
"So those who don't are just... forgotten—" Apollo snapped his fingers, "like that?"
"No, the Light Haven seems like a wonderful place!" I recalled.
"Yea, but none of us knew that until today. This whole time, Artemis was willing to send our people on a space station that we thought wasn't survivable. That's just wrong!" Apollo called out.
"Just because your dad tells you something, doesn't mean it's true!" Nova exclaimed.
"The Light Haven is amazing! Better than the Night Haven. So what's the point in separating us? It's not to keep us safe," said Cari.
"He's got to be hiding something!" Nova alleged.
"What are you trying to say?" I yelled.
"Somethings not adding up, Aria. I know you see what we're talking about. You're smart. Use your brain and stop believing all the crap your dad's been feeding you the past seventeen years!" Nova insulted.
I gasped. "Are you kidding me? I don't like you guys attacking my dad and I! What's wrong with you? " I yelled.
"We miss our family, Aria. So does everyone else on this space station! No one shows it because if you go against Artemis, you're suspended. And we've been taught that separating us, saves us!" Nova retaliated.
"Nova! I'm sorry you miss your family. I really am! But what can I do about it? This is the law that we have to obey or like you said, suspension!" I yelled.
"Do you hear yourself right now? I guess that's what happens when you live with two psychopaths willing to do whatever for power!" Nova exclaimed.
"You're just saying shit now cause you're mad," I argued.
"No, I'm not. Your dad didn't know the Light Haven was thriving so clearly Astro and his people wanted to keep it a secret from him!" Nova yelled.
"Why would they keep it a secret?" Cari asked.
Nova shrugged. "Probably because they were afraid of what Artemis would do to them if he found out!"
"Why are you trying to make my dad out to be a villain?" I asked.
"Because he is! Artemis and Xenon are both planning to take out the Light Haven!" warned Nova.
"What?!" Cari panicked.
"Yea! And they might take out me out too. They think because I'm considering being leader of the Light Haven, I'm trying to compete against Artemis." Apollo said.
"They told you that?" I asked.
"No! I overheard them!" Nova yelled.
"Don't be ridiculous!" I said rolling my eyes. "My dad loves Apollo!"
"No seriously. Its all making sense. He kicked Cari and I out after finding out how smart we were. They're taking over the Light Haven because they are a better community than us. And now they're planning to takeout Apollo if he becomes leader of the Light Haven!" Nova shouted. "Aria you gotta do something!"
My heart was racing. "Enough! This is my dad you're talking about. How could you say all these things about him?!" I yelled.
"Listen to the facts! It makes sense, Aria!" Apollo exclaimed.
"No! I don't want to hear it. I know my dad and he would never do any of the bullshit you're accusing him of doing. Yea, he can be harsh sometimes but that's what happens when you're king and the lives of thousands are in your hands. He has to make a lot of tough decisions like separating families but how do you think that makes him feel?" I asked.
None of them said anything.
"How do you think that'll make me feel when I have to do it? Horrible! Do you think I want to be the reason why my friends and my people lose their families? No!"
"Aria! That's not what I meant!" Nova said while holding my shoulder. I pushed his hand off of me.
"No! It's exactly what you meant. Don't try to take it back now! If you guys don't agree with what my family and I have to do to keep us safe, then fine. But just know, it has to be done!"
"But it doesn't have to be this way, Aria. Can you please just listen?" Nova asked.
"No! I can't. Because I'm so pissed off at you, Nova. I don't even want to look at your face right now!" I yelled.
Nova turned his back towards me. "Aria—"
"No Nova I—I think it would be best if you just leave, you too Apollo," I said.
"Wait, Listen. We can—"
"No, no more we." I sighed. "We need to break up," I muttered.
Nova turned around to me. "Aria..."
"No. As much as I wish it would, I don't think this is gonna work out," I said.
"Aria, I'm sorry! I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings. I was just upset but—"
"You already said what you said, Nova. So please, leave," I asked holding back tears.
Nova tried to give me a hug but I turned away.
"Nova! I'm done! We're done!" I hollered.
I could see from his eyes that I just broke his heart. He tried to hide them by looking away but I could tell his eyes began to water. He looked over at Cari while walking to the door. Before he shut it he looked back at me. I turned my head away before I heard the door shut.
"I'm gonna leave, Aria. But before I do let me say something. I understand that as his daughter you feel the need to defend Artemis. I'm sure it's a lot to hear that your dad isn't who you thought he was. But you need to understand that thousands of people's lives may be at stake and you're the only one who can save them," Apollo said. "You're a smart girl, Aria. Take advantage of that."
He gave Cari a hug before leaving the room too.

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