Mom's Home

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" She is never home! I wish I could actually have a normal conversation with my mom! " I vented to my best friend Ashley.

"Rylie, keep in mind, your mom is Demi freaking Lovato! She is an international pop star!"

"My mom is 35 years old! Her career is almost done! Just cause she is Demi Lovato, does not mean she doesn't have time for me!"

"Ry, what about talking to your dad?"

"Ha! You're funny! Me? Talk to my dad? Mmmm.. no, I'll pass!"

"She should be home tonight anyways, I'll talk to her after volleyball practice."

While I was changing for volleyball, I went into the stalls. I couldn't risk anyone seeing my cuts. They weren't old either, they were healing up from last night's session. The thoughts were coming more and more now. The cuts went all the way to my mid thigh, so I put basketball shorts on over, just so no one could see them.

During practice I kept messing up, and I just couldn't focus.

" Rylie, come talk to me after you're changed please." Coach Miranda yelled as I was walking into the locker room. I made the change fast but not before being stopped by Cierra, the head cheerleader.

"Moooo... Fat ass coming through, everybody watch your stuff."

I walked out ignoring her statement and went to talk to Coach Miranda.

"Rylie, I've noticed you haven't been very focused during practice for the past few days. Is there something going on I can help with?"

'Yes, I am slowly dying and I need someone to save me from me.'

"Nope, not really, just my mom has been out of town lately and I just really miss her. I'm going to come to practice more focused, I promise."

"Good, we need you on Tuesday! Ok, I'm sure your ride is waiting, I just had to make sure everything was ok."

" No problem, and I will come to practice more focused. "

"Evening baby. How was practice?" My dad asked as I got into the SUV.

"Ehh, it was ok."

" Ok. What do you want for dinner?"

' Tell him you're not hungry.'

" Oh, umm.. I'm not hungry."

"Are you sure baby? You just had 2 hours if practice. I would be starving."

"I'm positive, Ashley and I had a big lunch, and I'm still full."

' Good, keep up the good work! The rate you're going, Cierra won't have a reason to keep calling you a cow.'

I looked down and played with my hands all the way home. Mom's car was in the drive way. I jumped out of the car and ran straight to the living room. She was sitting on the couch watching the ID channel.

" Hey baby girl!"

" How have you been?"

' I'm dying mom, I need you. I need your help.'

" Good!" I lied.

Demi's POV

I asked Rylie how she was doing and she was hesitant, but replied with good. Her eyes weren't lit up like they used to. Her bright green eyes would light up, but now, they are dull. She was hiding something.

" what's for dinner?" I asked looking at Rylie.

" It's just you and me babe. Rylie isn't hungry, she said she had a big lunch with Ashley and is still full."

I knew that lie, I used to pull that all the time. I looked back at Rylie and she was smiling her charming smile.

" Anyways... I have homework! Gotta go!"

Rylie's POV

My mom knew I was hiding something. I had to leave before she asked any questions. I ran up to my room and locked the door. I pulled out my math test. It had a big F in the middle of the paper. That was my first F I had ever gotten.

' You see, you can't even pass a math test.'

' You aren't smart.'

' You aren't pretty.'

' I am the only one who can help you.You know what to do.'

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I locked the door and opened the cabinet and pulled my blade from the inside top. I sat there, thinking if I should do it or not. I slowly rolled up my shirt and started slicing. I couldn't do it on my thighs, I had a game in 6 days and they needed to heal. I slashed at least 20 times and stopped when I heard my mom at the door.

"Rylie? Are you ok?"

"Yea mom. Fine. Just upset stomach."

"Oh ok, well when you're done, come downstairs, we need to talk."

My stomach sunk. I had no idea what the conversation would be about and I was nervous. Once the bleeding stopped, I put on my hoodie and sweats and went downstairs.

Demi's POV

"Wilmer, our babygirl is hiding something and I'm worried."

"Rylie is fine babe.She just wasn't hungry."

"Call it mother's intuition, but with my family past, this is a sign... We need to talk to her."

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