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~August 1st, Choosing Ceremony~

                  ~Jade's POV~

I stare up at the loud mouthed man on the all too familiar pristine white stage. Marcus Eaton, the leader of Abnegation, the speaker of the Hub, and not to mention, Tobias's father. Every year he'll give one of these long, dragged on speeches explaining the faction system. And after that, Jeanine Matthews followed, thus explaining the importance of it. Faction, before blood.

They idolize the very thing that divided a part of my family for seventeen years. I don't, and won't ever blame Johanna for that, solely because I blame the world we live in. "Thank you Jeanine, for that insightful piece. And now, I shall begin calling the names of this years class." Marcus shouts, holding a semi-thick stack of note cards. He calls the first name, but it's not one of the ones us Dauntless Administrators tested. Each faction has four admin's, to test the ones most likely to choose their own faction.

I sit up in the familiar front seat of the fourth section, the Dauntless section, of the Hub. The same seat I sat in about a year ago. I look beside me, at my brother Miles. I flash back to when I looked over at him, and grabbed his hand, after we slit our palms and chose faction, over family. After we chose Dauntless, together.

The first few choosers go but none put their bleeding hand over the bowl of burning coals. One from Amity chose Amity. Another from Candor chose Erudite. One more from Erudite to Amity. And then, finally, we hear a name we know.

"Bellamy Blake." Marcus calls, and me and Miles nearly break our necks trying too look for Bell in the Amity crowd. He stands, and so does his mother. They hug, and she lets him pass into the aisle. He walks down, and onto the white stage. Marcus hands him the nearly handle-less, silver knife.

He cuts his palm, and without hesitation, he lets his blood drip, and burn on the coals of Dauntless. Me and Miles stand, while the crowd of Dauntless members jump up and cheer behind us. We didn't know how to feel about this so, all we could do was stare at one another, but, we eventually come to our senses when Bellamy starts walking over to us, with a smile on his face. We smile, and we greet him with hugs, and Miles gives him his seat. I sit back down next to him, and I watch him look back to see his Mother.

She was crying but, she had a little smile. Just like our parents did, when we left them. I shouldn't be moping about it though, since we can see them anytime we'd like now, as long as we see Johanna about it first. I sit up, and watch as kids two years younger than me choose their lives. I recognize some names as they're called and I put names to faces when they walk over to the Dauntless section.

One face stands out though, a particular red-head, dressed in bright red, green and yellow. It's that girl. The girl I waved at. When I came back to Amity that one time. I stand to greet her, "Do you remember me?" I ask, and she tilts her head at me, "I waved at you, when you were on your front porch." I tell her and she gasps.

"You're Natalie?! Oh my god, Hi!" She says, hugging me. I laugh and hug her back, "How did you know my name?" I ask curiously. "You're family is the talk of the town back on Amity, a good talk of course. Johanna let the people know of her wrong doing with your family, and she also told us how she's trying to right her wrong. She said she couldn't bare to continue seeming as a symbol of peace after what she's done." This girl explains, and I'm more than shocked. I ask of her name, "Oh I'm sorry," She says, "Grace Harrison."


Me and Miles stand up once the last names are called, and Marcus starts his exiting piece. We walk over to the wall near the exit and Miles leans up against it, " . . . And so I thank you all, for coming together this afternoon, to witness the future of the city of Chicago choose their rightful paths. Their choices will impact this city for the better, no matter which of the five factions they chose. And even though, tears were shed today, we are obligated to remember one thing, and one thing only." He says, looking to the crowd. "Faction, before blood." The entirety of the Hub answers, and Marcus dismisses us Dauntless goers with a wave of his hand. Me and Miles smile at each other, as the new transfers look to us for guidance. We fall back into the hallway, waving for them to follow us, some do but, others are then pushed by Dauntless-Born initiates.

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