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Me and four get ready and head over to Lauren's place, when we get to her door Four knocks. Lauren opens the door with a big smile, and greets us. She gives Four a little side hug before fully engulfing me, "Happy birthday, how does it feel to be eighteen?" she asks me. "It feels amazing." I answer and she yanks me inside her apartment. I first notice the colorful streamers and balloons scattered everywhere around Lauren's apartment. The balloons were mostly the colors red, blue, and black. Me and my brothers favorite colors.

And I also noticed a long table that had loads of presents on it and under it. I then notice my brothers and aunt, gathered around in the living room. They notice me and hop up from being seated, I hug my aunt first and then make sure to hug my brothers separately. They both wish me happy birthday, and I say the same back to the both of them. I also greet Benji, Will, Chris and Tris. I look around the room, "You guys, I love the decorations, all of our favorite colors." I say aloud.

"Well, you guys are our favorite set of triplets, and plus eighteen is the big transition age. You guys are adults now so, we gotta make this one count." Laurens says, and my aunt and friends nod their heads in agreement. "Speaking of which, shall we begin?" she adds, Four made me and my siblings sit together on the couch. Lauren walks over to the table full of presents and grabs one, my aunt and friends grab one present each as well. "Aunt calls dibs on first presents!" Our Aunt says, and hands each of us. She's hands Liam a small rectangular wrapped box, and hands Miles a flat square wrapped box.

Just before handing me a medium size square wrapped box. Each one color coordinating to our favorite colors. Miles is Blue, Liam's is Black, and mine is Red. I feel Four kiss my cheek from leaning over the back of the couch. "I'll be right back, I have to go get your present since Lauren here didn't want it in her apartment." Four says sassily towards our friend.

"Sorry number boy, but it was a no go and you knew it. And don't look at me like that Jade, I'm not spoiling anything." She says, and I stop squinting at her just as Four takes his leave. "Okay Liam, yours first." Our aunt says, and he happily rips of the wrapping paper and opens the little box. He pulls out a necklace, that had a flat oval shaped piece of metal hanging. My brother looks at it more carefully and puts a hand over his mouth. His face grows a little red and tears start to well up in his eyes.

I look at it more closely and realized there's a picture of Jane on one side, along with the words 'Family, before faction. In loving Memory of Jane Carter.' on the other. Liam sniffles, "I absolutely love it," He says, and looks to our aunt. "Thank you, so much for this." He adds putting it around his neck. She reaches over and wipes away one his tears with her thumb, "You're welcome, now you'll always have a piece of her with you. Just like I do." She responds, pulling her right sleeve up, showing two identical bracelets on her wrist. Friendship bracelets.

My aunt looks beside Liam, at our brother Miles, and he starts ripping off the paper to his present. He opens the box and pulls out a folded leather jacket. "Now that? That was your uncle's favorite jacket. Since his initials were embroidered onto the collar." She explains, and a smile finds its way on my older brother's face. He runs his thumb over the sewn letters 'C.H' before quickly putting it on. He straightened out the collar and looked around at all of us, but mostly at our aunt, "so? How do I look?" He asks.

And our aunt gazes at him as she puts her hands over her mouth, "you look just like him now." she says, "I think I'm gonna cry." she adds. And my older brother stands from being seated and sits on the coffee table next to our aunt, and embraces her. "thank you for this, I'll where it always. To always keep the memory of our uncle alive. " He says, and even I'm touched at his words. Our aunt smiles through her tears at him, before looking over to me. I quickly rip open my present, and I pull out something all too familiar.

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