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~Three weeks later~

-October 22nd, Tuesday 12:03 p.m.-

~Tobias' POV~

I set my pen down on Lauren's kitchen table and irritably sigh as I run my hands through my hair. "All this fucking paperwork," I complain. Usually, I don't mind all this alpha leader paperwork, but boy has it become repetitive and tiring. In fact, I'm apart that small percentage of the world that actually enjoys paperwork. I pinch the bridge of my nose, knowing exactly what's bothering me.

I miss Natalie. It's like, I need her, in order to completely be myself. Lauren had even pointed that out a few days ago. I told her I could say the same for her with Liam. Because god almighty that woman is not herself without him.

She turns into this name calling-OCD-clean freak when he's not around. For example, last week, she called me a "fuck head" for leaving a singular dish in the sink. When lord knows she's way messier than me when Liam's around. I'll admit though, I've snapped on her as well. She moved some important files from off the kitchen table to do something and when I couldn't find them, I raised my voice at her to locate them.

Me and Lauren don't usually fight a lot but, these past few weeks together have really gave us new perspectives on each other. Just then, I break out of my thoughts at the sight of the pages in my notebook flipping by themselves. It flips all the way to the back of the book, to the last clean page. I smile wide when I watch my pen lift up off the table by itself. It's her. The ball of the pen touches the clean page, and she starts writing.

I lean forward and watch as my love's handwriting appears in my notebook.

"Wish I could help you with your work my love."

I read, and I smile at the words. "Forget helping me, I wish you could distract me from my work. I miss you." I say aloud, knowing all too well she could hear me. The pen starts writing again.

"I miss you more. My brother's are literally driving me crazy over here. But we can't give in now, only one more week left."

Is what she writes, and I sigh again. Yet another whole week without her. It's like I'm in jail and I'm crossing off days on my calendar. "I know, but I bet they're not driving you as crazy as Lauren's driving me. The woman is literally the devil herself without your brother. And also," I pause, "Don't remind me, I know I have to endure another full week without you." I add. And the pen starts up once more.

"That's only if Lauren and Liam can get through another week."

"Well, Let's hope they can't. Unless, you're thinking what I'm thinking."

"And what exactly would you be thinking mister?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe we can get the both of them to uh, accidentally run into each other? Maybe?"

"Are you suggesting we cheat Tobias?"

"Aren't we cheating already Natalie?"

She pauses from writing for a moment, "Touché... I'm listening."  She eventually writes.

I laugh a bit at her quick change of mind, "I say we send both of them to each of us. I'll send Lauren to you, and you send Liam to me. And maybe, just maybe, they'll run into one another."

"Babe, that's brilliant. And I know exactly how we'll do it."


~Liam's POV~

"Oh Liam!" I hear my sister call me, and I suck my teeth. I stand up from laying on my bed, or, I should say, my sister's guest bed. I walk across the upstairs hall to her bedroom, "yes oh caring sister of mine?" I ask, stepping into her room. "Could you do me a favor and run this to Tobias?" She asks, holding up one of her maroon long sleeves. "I've been listening to him for the past few days and he's been really stressed and he's really missing me right now." She tells me, and I raise my eyebrows at my sister as I take the shirt.

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