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~November 17th~

Later on that night, the triplets and their friends drank and laughed the night away. Jade took it easy on the drinking, just so she wouldn't be too out of it by the end of the night. Unlike her brothers, who happen to take part in a bottle chugging competition between Lauren and the rest of the guys. And even though they didn't participate, Christina and Tris instigated their drinking. Four drank responsibly, considering he still had to talk to Tris. After the little competition, Jade and Liam pulled Miles from Tris to talk, which gave Four a chance to get Tris's full attention, and he took it. "Hey Tris," he approaches her and she smiles wide at him, looking him up and down. "Hey Four, what's up?" She asks casually, taking a sip of her drink. "Nothing much, I just wanted to talk to you about something. It's important." He says and her eyes light up, "of course, what is it?" She asks a little too eager. He pulls her off to the side by her arm, and Jade happened to glance over just as he did. Fiery hot jealousy coursed through her veins as she spoke to her brother's, even though she knew he meant nothing by it. Four explains the new serum situation and asks her if she'd be willing to be tested on, as planned. She was uneasy about it at first but, all it took was a "please?" From Four to get her to be on board. After that Tris strikes up conversation, and what she says catches his attention. They stay talking for awhile and of course, Jade notices. She watches them as Tris says something, making Four laugh. He says something back and then she laughs, while touching his arm.

~Jade's POV~

I clench my teeth and take a deep breath in before locking an arm with my brother Miles, "let's go see what Four and Tris are talking about yeah?" I say and he finally notices his girlfriend chatting up a storm with Four. He makes a funny face in their direction before nodding his head, and pulling Jade over there faster then she could pull him. They approach and Jade watches her friend quickly lift her hand off of her boyfriend. "Hey babe," me and Miles both say, clinging to the sides of our significant others. He kisses Tris's cheek while I lock lips with Four, purposely.

I could feel Tris's eyes on us. "God you guys make me feel so lonely. I'm gonna be the only triplet without a partner." Liam says, he followed behind us when we walked over to Four and Tris. I roll my eyes, "I'm not too sure about that Liam, those hickeys on your neck tell a different story." I say with a wink, Miles then steps forward and tips our brother's collar away from his neck. "Well, I'll be damned, my little brother gets more action then I do. I approve but I don't at the same time." He says nudging Liam, and they both eventually fist bump each other, causing Tris to smack Miles on the arm. I laugh, "but seriously though, whose the girl? Why haven't we met her yet?" Miles asks looking to Liam, and he rubs his neck uneasily.

"Uh, yeah, about that," he starts. But he doesn't finish, "do you wanna tell him Liam? Or should I? Because there's no such thing as secrets when it comes to being our sibling. You should just come clean right here, right now." I say, I think my words touched him because he looked at me as such. It took him a moment but, he finally spoke up, "You know what, you're right sis." He says, and before I could say anything else, Liam walks away and steps up onto Lauren's coffee table. He whistles once, "everybody listen up!" He raises his voice, and everyone stops talking and gathers around in the living room. "Liam, what're you doing?" Miles asks our brother, and he looks over at him, "something I should've done awhile ago." He says, and he steps down from the table and sits on it, right in front of Lauren, who sat on her couch. They were inches apart, "The last thing I thought I'd do was make this public but, I realized it's exactly what I need to do." He pauses and wipes his hands on his pants, "Lauren," He says her name shakily, and she looks at him intently.

"Ever since I met you, I haven't been able to get you off my mind. Seeing you hurt these past few days made me further realize you deserve more. Way more. You were my instructor, my friend and now," he pulls his shirts collar, as if it was choking him beforehand. "I was hoping, if you'd want to be my girlfriend." He asks looking into her eyes, and we all start freaking out like 5th graders. Christina starts repeating 'oh my god' over and over while jumping up and down, while Will and Ben watch with their mouths agape, lightly smacking each other. Me and Miles on the other hand were like Christina but ten times worse. He whistles while I cheered, "say yes so you can hurry up and be my sister-in-law already! It's a win-win situation here!" I shout louder as everybody else joined in whistling and cheering.

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