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~Jade's POV~
-November 17th-

The only thing that was keeping me aware of my surroundings was the feeling of Fours hand still in mine, pulling me along with him. I was deep in thought, in the very depths of my mind. The mere thought of one of my good friends being secretly in love with my boyfriend, while simultaneously in "love" with my own brother frightens me. But it also enraged me, which then filled me with burning curiosity. I need to know the truth, I need to know if I'm right or if I'm wrong.

So I can act on this. Because if I'm right, that would mean my brother is in love with a girl that doesn't truly love him back. And it would also mean I could potentially lose a friend. "Babe, what's wrong?" I faintly hear, and lose my train of thought. "Huh? Oh nothing, nothing's wrong." I say, and he squints his eyes at me.

"That's a lie. You were obviously thinking about something." He says as we follow far behind Tris and my brother. "I'll tell you later." I say and he nods. We enter the pit and see that there was already a large amount of people in the sun-lit room. I spot my younger brother and Lauren talking with Will, Christina, and Ben. We all approach them.

"Ah, the set of triplets are finally together for once. And with their friends. Who of which they neglect." Christina says aloud, and I could tell she was upset, even though her tone was playful. "We know, and we're sorry guys, it's just this training planning has us swamped cuz of the deadline." I say, tapping my wrist as if I had a watch on. "Yeah, you guys won't believe what's going to happen with next years new initiates." Liam adds, and they all question us instructors. Four explains how we're going to be training the transfers and Dauntless-Born together. They all freak and jaws drop.

"Trust me, that was our reactions when me and Lauren were told." Four says with a laugh, "and our reactions when these two told me and Liam." I say and my younger brother nods. "You guys have been busy, I wouldn't be surprised if you four finished the planning early." Miles says with a slight chuckle, "I wouldn't be mad either, it would give us more time to spend with you guys before the actual work comes." My brother adds, looking mostly at me and Liam. I've noticed we haven't been seeing my older brother as much nowadays, because of training planning. I spent my whole life with him and our parents and, the amount of time we've spent apart in Dauntless is starting to feel off. Suddenly, I can't wait for training planning and the initiate training to be over.

So I can start making memories with my friends and family. "That's actually, not a bad idea. We'll have five-six months of peace and fun before the real work comes in." I look at Lauren, Liam and Four. And they all seemed to be thinking about it. "If you minus the fact we won't see you guys for awhile, it's not a bad idea at all. The faster you get it out the way the faster we can get back to seeing you guys daily." Miles responds, and Tris nods. "If you guys get on with it now, the planning could be done by the time your guys birthday rolls around. And I'd say having it done would be even more of a reason to celebrate on that day." She says, and regardless of my earlier suspicions, I agree with her on that.

"Well then I guess we've got a lot of work to do." Lauren says, "I say we get to right now and have drinks later tonight as a last hurrah before we get down and dirty. All of us." She suggested, and everyone agrees. We all plan to meet in the cafeteria at exactly 7:00 pm, and say our goodbyes. I grab Fours wrist and look at his watch, '10:37 am', only 6-7 hours til we see them again. Me, Lauren, Four and Liam head out the pit and to the training room. He sit at the table and we get right back to business.

We take a step back and figure out how we're gonna first greet them when they get here. I remember back to when me and Miles first got here, and how he jumped off the train and onto Dauntless's roof before I did. When we recovered, Eric was the first person we all met. He tried his best to intimidate us initiates by making us jump off into the dark hole that laid stories below, without letting us know what was down there. I suggest that we take a different approach and give them the choice to jump yet, let them know it'll effect how we see them throughout initiation. 

Twin Image (A Divergent Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora