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Jade headed back to the sleeping chambers, everyone cheered for her as she entered. "Now I think it's you who has a death wish." Tris says, "I can't believe you said that to Eric." Will exclaims. "I know everybody was thinking it so I just came right out and said it." Jade responds, she let the Candor inside of herself get the best of her. She looks around for her brother, and when she couldn't spot him immediately she left away from her friends to find him. When she did find him he was just leaving the bathroom area. They began to approached each other and Miles opened his arms for a hug, knowing her brother all to well she stopped him.

"Did you wash your hands? Cuz I can assure you all hell will break loose if you touch me with those dirty sausages." Jade teased, Miles chuckled and put his hands up. "Squeaky clean, now give me a hug you little shit talker. I can't believe you stood up to Eric like that. And not to mention you practically shoved that asshole!" Miles says genuinely surprised, right before giving his little sister a hug. She gladly hugs him back, "He was being an a dick and I guess I was the only one who had the guts to let him know." Jade releases him and pokes him in the gut. "Hey! I would've but I'm pretty sure I also would've gotten cut instead of having knifes thrown at me as punishment. I think he only let you off with a warning cuz he likes you." Miles says, he had his arm around her shoulder as they were walking towards their friends, in a that brotherly way of course.

"Oh god no. I can't lie, Eric has his looks but it's his personality, it's absolutely atrocious." Jade says, "You think Eric's attractive? ...Actually... don't answer that, I don't wanna know." Miles says and the two burst into laughter. "It's just, it looked like he liked it when you called him out. After you poked him he looked you up and down all creep-like. It was hard to fight the urge to just jump out and throttle the guy." Miles says as Jade remembers back to her and Eric's confrontation, realizing her brother just might be right, but she was certainly not gonna admit it. "Awe that's sweet of you, but I'm sorry. I can't and won't believe Eric likes me." She said to Miles just as they were approaching their friends, unfortunately their unbelievably honest, and undoubtedly nosey friend had heard. "ERIC LIKES YOU?!" Christina literally shouts turning around. Jade shushes her, "NO! Or at least, I hope he doesn't. Miles here thinks he does." Jade explains, Chris and Tris look at Miles like he had grown a second head. But Will and Al agreed with him, "Oh yeah I was actually gonna talk to you about that Jade, to me it looked like the dude fell in love instantaneously." Al comments. "Yeah the dude obviously likes you. But not how Al's thinks. That wasn't love. I could tell he wanted one thing and one thing only when he looked at you all creepy." Will says matter of factly, Jade scoffs.

"See? Even they agree with me." Miles says. "Agree or disagree, I don't like our ass wipe of a leader, not even in the slightest so you can stop with the bickering." Jade says, and everyone laughs. "Alright, who do you like then hm? Out of all the new people you've met so far?" The still nosey former female Candor asks, and Jades cheeks went red. "No one really. I uh, r-really haven't met a lot of p-people yet so." Jade shrugs nervously as Christina and Al look at each other and then back at Jade. "You're lying." The two say in unison, "I'm not lying. Why would I lie?" Jade questions casually. "You couldn't keep eye contact with any of us, you stuttered twice, hesitated on answering and most importantly your cheeks went tomato red. I don't even know why you're trying to lie, especially in front of me and Al of all people. Just fess up!" Christina demands, Jade smiles and covers her face with her hands.

"Ooooo my sisters got a crush! My sisters got a crush! B.T. Dubs if you only tell me who it is, I'll consider not assassinating them in their sleep tonight." Her older brother obviously teased, sitting next to her and poking her side. Jade attempted to slap him away but failed. "Okay okay fine, but you guys gotta guess. And no assassinating please." Jade says looking at Miles, he nods, "And you guys only get Four chances to guess." She adds secretly hinting them. No one seemed to catch on and they begin to ponder their guesses. "Is it one of us?" Christina asks seriously, everyone laughs.

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