Chapter 23

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'Mama, Papa, Mei I'm sorry.' Yuzu cried to herself.

'You're not giving up that easily are you?' Yuzu's eyes shot open as she was enveloped by pitch black darkness and a distant voice echoed in her ears.

"Who's there!?" She called out. Suddenly, a bright light beamed towards her.

'You're much stronger than this Yuzuko.' Yuzu continued to search for the source of the foreign voice unsuccessfully.

The blinding light was too much for Yuzu's eyes, forcing her to close them briefly.

Soon, Yuzu felt rejuvenated. It felt like a warm blanket embraced her.

'Open your eyes.'

Yuzu did as the voice directed and could barely believe what she saw.

A glorious phoenix radiated before her eyes.

"Y....You're the legendary phoenix! I thought you were just fiction." Yuzu spoke as she looked up at the magical creature. Ignoring the princess's sense of awe, the phoenix simply asked,

'Is this how you really want it to end? Is this the legacy you'll leave behind, bittersweet defeat?'

Yuzu's expression changed as she thought about the phoenix's questions. Clenching both her fists Yuzu answered with pure determination.

"No, of course not!"

'Tell me what you want.'

"I want to save everyone!" Yuzu declared as she threw her fist in the air.

'Then, I shall help you. I am going to transfer all of my remaining power to you. However, heed my words. If you are not ready, it will tear your body apart from the inside out.'

Yuzu didn't hesitate as she listened carefully to the phoenix and immediately answered...

"I can handle this, I'm ready."

Yuzu braced herself as she was consumed by a vibrant vibrating white light.


"Yuzu!" Mei broke free from Azula's grip. Everyone else stood in disbelief as they watched Yuzu die. Mei quickly shot ice beams at Kema. Her fear and rage fused as she attacked the murderous bastard who killed the love of her life. Kema easily deflected Mei's ice shards as he sped up to the infuriated woman. He went to punch her in the stomach. Fortunately, Hiden quickly joined his granddaughter to absorb the hit instead.

"Grandfather!" Mei yelled, trying to reach out to Hiden.

Mei felt a surge of energy as she ran towards Kema, her eyes widened as she realised she harnessed the power of super speed.

Before she had ample time to react Mei rapidly fired countless ice shards at her target at an alarming rate.

"Hmph, you're wasting my time." Kema scoffed as he repelled each of Mei's attacks. A few shards slashed Mei's arms and legs. She saw him coming for her and aimed her ice beam toward the ground to evade his retaliation, propelling herself straight into the air.

"Now I have you!" Kema pushed off the ground and headed straight toward Mei with a shard in his hand. Only metres away, he attempted to stab her.

"Mei!" Everyone called out.

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