Chapter 3

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Mei lay on her back as she looked into those bright emerald eyes, her breathing was uneven and she could feel her heart beating against her chest.

Yuzu held Meis hands above her head as she looked into those deep violets, her body felt hot, her breathing was in sync with Mei.

"O.k thats it for the day" Chester clapped his hands together as he spoke.

Yuzu quickly came to her senses and got off Mei.

"Good work Mei" Yuzu held her hand out as she waited for Mei to grab it, but she ignored the offer for help and got up on her own.

Mei quickly left for the showers with the other 2.

Matsuri saw Yuzu waiting for them to leave, she made her way to the showers with the 2 taller girls.

'Yuzu-onee will tell me later' She thought as she started to get ready for her shower.

"Did you notice?" The tall man asked.

"Yes, but how?" Yuzu asked.

Chester smiled as he looked at the blonde princess before he spoke.

"This entire building has a barrier around it that neutralises any powers or abilities that someone might have"

Yuzu looked around the entire building before she gave a nod.

"When did you notice Princess?"

Yuzu shook her head before she spoke.

"As soon as Mei managed to knock me down the second time, I realised I had no powers"

She took a breath before she spoke again.

"And please Chester, just call me Yuzu"

"Sorry, I just feel so disrespectful not acknowledging your title, it could just be a nickname you know"

He gave Yuzu a warm but nervous smile as he waited for her response.

"If its just around people that know, I guess its fine. But anyone else you must call me Yuzu. o.k?"

Yuzu placed her hands on her hips as she spoke.

Chester nodded before he spoke again.

"What did you think anyway?"

Yuzu placed her finger on her chin as she thought about what to say.

"They are both extremely skilled in offence and defence, I think that you have done an amazing job training them. And I must say, it was fun being able to fight without holding back" Yuzu felt a smile grow on her lips as she thought back to how much fun she actually had today.

But the next sentence that left Chesters mouth made her smile disappear fast.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself Princess, but Mei-chan definitely looked like she hated todays session"

Yuzu thought back to Meis expressions during training, Chester was right, Mei looked extremely pissed off, Yuzu went to speak but Chester spoke again.

"Although its probably just because you beat her down repetitively today and she hates losing"

Yuzu's eyes widened, she had never thought about it like that. She was always used to winning, she was the number one fighter in the Kingdom.

Chester placed his hands on Yuzus shoulder before he spoke again.

"Maybe you could go easier on her tomorrow?"

He already respected Yuzu, but the next words that she said made him put her in the highest regard.

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