Chapter 21

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"Why is he here!?" Yuzu started to radiate an amber glow as she felt a mixture of panic and anger surge in her core. Fortunately, Mei quickly grabbed her hand and looked Yuzu directly in the eye to diffuse the situation.

Mei cautioned her girlfriend, "Yuzu, now is not the time. We need to consider all the innocent bystanders here at the park."

Yuzu, regained her composure and surveyed the immense crowd looking up at them. She calmed herself but didn't take her eyes off Kenzi. As soon as the ride ended Yuzu bolted over to Kenzi and what looked like an entourage of school girls.

"Ohhh your Highness, good to see you." He mockingly bowed as he greeted his two adversaries.

"Highness? What is he talking about Yuzu?" Naga questioned. Before Yuzu managed to say anything Kenzi quickly brushed it all off and replied, "Oh, it's nothing, I was only joking, babe."

Then, he added, as he pretended to receive a text message,"Sorry, something has come up, I have to leave early." Kenzi gave Naga a kiss on the cheek before he disappeared into the crowd.

Yuzu sounded overly concerned to the group of school girls as she asked, "Naga are you alright? Did he hurt you?"

Naga quickly defended her new boyfriend as she answered.

"Hurt me? No, he would never hurt me. We are in love." She had a look of ignorant bliss as she slowly said the last sentence.

Grabbing Mei's hand, Yuzu guided them through the crowd as she thought to herself,

'I can sense him right here.'

"Looking for me cuz?" Kenzi emerged from the shadows as he sensed the presence of his cousin as well.

"You!" Yuzu and Mei both powered up as they glared at him.

"Hey, slow down! I come in peace." Kenzi raised both his hands, trying to convince the girls that he had no intention of hurting them.

"What do you think you're doing Kenzi?" Yuzu inched closer to her cousin, maintaining eye contact. She had planned for today to be relaxing, but as usual nothing seemed to go to plan. Although, the next sentence that left her cousin's mouth made her lower her hands.

"I'm just doing the same as you and just enjoying my last day." Kenzi placed his hands in his pockets, as he shuffled his feet and gave what looked like a sad smile before continuing to talk.

"I mean, you saw it, didn't you, cuz?"

"Yuzu, what is he talking about?" Mei looked back and forth between Kenzi and Yuzu. She could feel that there was something she was missing. However, the reason for the uneasiness felt by the student council president would soon be confirmed by Kenzi's next statement. Clenching his right fist and pointing towards Yuzu with his left, Kenzi revealed, "When we fight, we will both die....."

Gazing up to the sky, before exiting through a portal, Kenzi muttered, "It's a shame, I was really starting to like this place."

As soon as the young man disappeared Mei grabbed Yuzu by the hand and started hammering the Princess with questions.

"Yuzu, what is he talking about? Is it true? How can he know that?"

Mei took in the sight of her blonde lover's expression. Yuzu's manner was completely different from a few hours ago. Now, she had that look of the entire world on her shoulders again. Mei couldn't help but feel a bit responsible for that.

"Come on Mei, lets go."

Before Mei could answer, Yuzu had already picked her up and was running.

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