Mirror Magic Part 2

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The Crystal Mirror buzzed as it glowed, with the four people who went through returning along with someone else.

Starlight: Ugh... *groaned as she opened her eyes, with the first thing she saw being her arms; the left of which had a watch upon her wrist* What happened? *asked, somewhat discombobulated from the transfer of bodies as she*

Sunset: It's all pretty weird at first, but try to roll with it. *advised as she helped stand the girl up*

Starlight was wearing a turquoise t-shirt with a purple collar and cuffs underneath a black, open vest, dark grey jeans with rips in them, black shoes that had purple laces, and a light purple hat that had sparkling white stars upon it. She flailed her arms around as she could not find her balance, needing help from Riku to stand her up with Sunset & Minori.

Sunset: Hi! *greeted nervously while waving to a few passing students, who glanced skeptically at the visitor, who looked at her extremities curiously, waggling her fingers*

Starlight: Are these-?

Sunset: Hands. *interjected quickly in a whisper, as she glanced down at her new shoes*

Minori: Feet! Those are feet. *interrupted quickly, whispering all the while as students were passing by*

Sunset: *recalled for her* Remember the whole thing where I said you need to lay low? Now would be a good time to play it cool. *advised, folding her arms over her chest*

Riku: Besides, the mirror gave you a cool enough look already. *complimented as he put his hand up to his chin*

Starlight: *realized with a laugh* Oh. Right. Play it cool. *repeated as she waved out her arms to their respective sides* Heh-heh. *chuckled, grinning as she flipped her back and stretched out her legs, prepared to start walking*

Without warning though, she went down onto all four of her limbs, casually trotting along the path as everyone stared at her. Sunset & Minori immediately jogged out in front to make her stop, standing her up as the others just looked at them weirdly.

Minori: *chuckled nervously as she advised to Starlight* That's not how you walk like a human, Starlight.

Sunset: You did say I'd make a good distraction. *pointed out to the girl, who grinned sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her neck*

Ben looked as if he could barely contain his laughter until Riku elbowed him, making him grimace slightly as he frowned.


Back at the mall's movie theater, Juniper was behind the concession stand scooping up popcorn and dumping it onto the floor beside her, still having the mysterious mirror in her hand.

Juniper: Mirror, pick up this popcorn! *ordered, aiming it down the food there*

Nothing happened however, as two customers standing before her looked at each other in confusion. The worker looked at the object in confusion, wondering why it was not doing as she said.

Juniper: Mirror, I command thee, pick upeth this poppage of corn! *stated in a more dignified manner, but still nothing followed as she groaned in frustration* Ugh! Why won't this thing work anymore? *asked herself, taking more popcorn out of the machine with the scooper, about to dump it down again*

Patrons: Like... we were gonna eat some of that . *pointed, causing her to perk up*

Juniper: Mirror, make these annoying people go away. *commanded, aiming it at them as they merely walked off however, freaked out by the usher's attitude* Well, that kinda worked... *admitted, smiling a little as she had gotten them to leave*

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