Dance Magic Part 3

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A while later at the prestigious high school, the group of four peeked out from a corner, observing the area as if they were spies. Rarity had on a dark violet bandana and red-framed shades to hide herself as she and the others quickly sneaked in through the back door. While both she and Twilight snuck around the halls to avoid meeting the eyes of other students, their their boyfriends (Boboiboy & Fang) just walked along normally.

Boboiboy: *asked curiously* Why aren't trying to sneak around like they are?

Fang: Because there's really no point when these halls are practically empty... *noted as there were only a few students still in the foyer and the halls entirely*

Boboiboy: So what are we gonna do when we find these girls? *asked, folding his arms behind his head*

Fang: Depends on how Rarity does with whatever she's planning, I guess... *muttered, letting out another sigh*

Boboiboy: *uttered in concern* Fang...

In the meantime, Rarity ended up peeking out from a corner before moving up against a row of lockers, looking around carefully.

Rarity: Okay, where's the dance studio? *whispered in question to her partner while taking off her shades*

Twilight: There's a dance studio? *questioned back, raising an eyebrow*

Rarity: *sarcastically asked in return* Didn't you go to this school?

Twilight: Well, I can show you where the library is... *responded rather sheepishly, making her grin a little*

Fang: They're this way. *chimed in, catching both of their attentions as they saw him walk along with the others*

Rarity: Wait, shhh. *shushed upon noticing, gesturing for the others to stay still as she walked closer to the sound* That's their music. *noted upon recognizing it, seeing the open door down at the end of the hallway* Bingo! *exclaimed quietly with a grin, racing towards it*

Fang: Rarity, hold on! *cried out, chasing after her alongside the others*

They all arrived at the doorway and peeked inside, astonished to see the rather fluent dance moves of the Shadowbolts as the song they were grooving to had come to an end. Rarity just had her mouth gape open from how talented the girls were, while the others had their eyes widened.

Boboiboy: *uttered in amazement, smiling a little* Wow...

Sour: Hey, girls! *greeted with a wave upon noticing the visitors in the room* And... guys, I guess... *added upon seeing the boys there* So what did you think of our routine? Scared yet? *guessed, causing the boys to let off annoyed looks*

Rarity: Don't change the subject, Sour Sweet! *demanded angrily, pointing at her accusingly. She arched an eyebrow in confusion*

Sugarcoat: *bluntly noted* But you didn't bring up a subject...

Rarity: *retorted quickly* You, either!

Sour: Ooookay... *uttered afterwards while rolling her eyes, evidently freaked out as her friends snickered*

Rarity: You know why we're here! *stated with her hands at her hips* You stole my- our music video idea! *corrected after receiving a glance from her boyfriend , Boboiboy and Twilight* Now... change your concept, or else!

Sour: Sorry, heh, but we can't. *sarcastically apologized, leading to the rest of her comrades to let out mocking laughs along with her, much to the chagrin of Rarity*

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