Movie Magic Part 1

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Thunder cracked and lightning appeared over a large volcano at the end of a pathway within a dark jungle. A figure approached the torches that lit the road he was on, dressed in a dark cloak held together by a triangle-shaped, golden lock at his neck. The hood blew off from the wind, revealing his smoothly combed dark hair and facial hair, as he started to laugh maniacally.

Man: It is almost time... *noted, reaching into the cloak to grab something* Once I have all three relics, *began, pulling out a golden staff with a red orb upon it* no one will be able to stop me, *stated as he waved his arm, standing before the torches* and Marapore will fall! For I am Stalwart Stallion—!

???: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! *a certain voice suddenly cried out repeatedly, interjecting his declaration as he had turned around, arching an eyebrow*

???: Ugh! Cut! *another voice yelled as it turned out the entire area was a movie set inside of a studio, where a bearded and ponytailed, spectacled director in his chair had shouted through a megaphone*

With him were Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, Minori Higashide, Yugi Mutou, Ash Ketchum, Serena Yvonne, Boboiboy De Villa, Alfred F. Jones, Yuya Sakaki, Yuzu Hiragi, Fang Shen, Sora Hikari, Riku Kuroyami and Rainbow Dash, as the latter of the group had spoken up during the shooting.

Rainbow: *quickly apologized* Sorry.  But at this point in the story, Stalwart Stallion would be known as Mojo. *pointed out, placing her hands at her hips as Twilight near her gave off a nervous frown, wagging her finger in disapproval, which she took quick notice off* What? You think he wants Daring Do fans to call him out for making a mistake like that? *asked rhetorically, while everyone else stared blankly at her*

Fang: Wonder if Ben has to deal with this kinda crap... *muttered in a whisper to Boboiboy, catching his attention for just a moment*

Director: Let's go again! *readied his megaphone* And this time, say 'Mojo' instead of 'Stalwart Stallion', 'kay? *advised to the actor onstage, while the spotlights came on to the excitement of  Rainbow* And action!

Rainbow: I can't believe we're really here! *admitted happily as she and the rest of her friends and R.A.E. gang walked around the studio with the director*

Twilight: Thank you so much for letting us come, Mister Zoom. *clasping her hands together as she caught his attention*

Sunset: *mentioned* We promise we won't get in the way. Again. *grumbled towards her friend, who let out a nervous laugh*

???: That's my girl for ya. *another voice chimed in, causing them to all perk up and stop to see Ben Tennyson approaching them, having his hands in his pockets* Always getting in everyone else's way... *muttered jokingly*

Rainbow: Ben! *cried out, smiling excitedly as she raced over and embraced him tightly*

Alfred: Hey Ben! *greeted him as he gave Ben a high five* Glad you could make it. How's your going?

Ben: I'm fine, Alfred. It's been a bit a hassle since Leinne gave me & Midoriya a dangerous mission. Sorry about I couldn't come with you.

Boboiboy: *reassured him* Don't sweat it, Ben. We're doing just fine until Rainbow Dash burst out the bubble. *stated jokingly, making Rainbow embarrassed & everyone laughed*

Ben: Then  I can take some time out of my day to keep my girlfriend out of trouble. *pointed out in a snarky tone*

Rainbow: Hey! *yelled, elbowing him playfully as she puffed out her cheeks, relinquishing herself from the hug*

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