Movie Magic Part 3

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Fang: Agh! *yelped as he and the others squirmed around in the netting that had ensnared them* Quit hittin' me! *shouted angrily*

Fluttershy: Um... it's a little cramped in here... *pointed out nervously as her face was pressed against Riku's chest*

Ben: Everyone get back for a sec! *suddenly called out, causing the others to immediately move as far away as they could within the trap as his arms turned razor crystal swords & the net had ripped apart and freed them*

Minori: Nice work, Ben. *complimented as she and the others got onto their feet*

Applejack: We have to find Rainbow and Alfred. *stated as Midoriya stretched out his arms*

Rarity:  I don't see how. *chimed in, catching their attentions* She moves so fast, she could be anywhere on the lot by now. Why she felt it necessary to wear the geode that gives her super-speed to a movie set, I'll never know... *grumbled, not noticing Spike and Pinkie examining the spilled bucket of chocolate pudding*

Sunset: I wish I'd brought mine. *admitted, rubbing her chin* One touch and I'd be able to see Chestnut's memories and get to the bottom of this whole thing. *noted, somewhat ashamed*

Yugi: *uttered to Ben standing there* Ben, now it's good time to transform into Wildmutt.

Ben: On it. *responded, becoming enveloped in another flash of light as he went down onto all four of his limbs*

When it dissipated, it revealed that he had become an animalistic creature with orange fur that appeared to have no eyes, ears, nose, or tail present upon him. However, gill-like nostrils were upon each side of his neck, as his teeth had become more defined. The device's symbol had moved down to the new green and white collar around his neck.

Ash: So where do we start? *asked, trotting over to the others*

Pinkie: I know how to find them! *squeaked out, causing them to perk up and glance over at her*  Follow the pudding! *declared while holding a wad of it upon her finger, which she immediately ate*

Wildmutt growled in frustration as the others seemed just as confused by their pal's statement.

Pinkie: See? *pointed out, gesturing towards the spilled treat and the footprints that had been left behind*

The puppy sniffed away at them alongside the dog-like extraterrestrial, heading towards the doors.

Spike: *beckoned to the others* Follow us! 

Twilight: You're a genius, Pinkie Pie! *complimented to Pinkie, who blushed a little out of flattery*

Yuya: Great job, Pinkie!

Yuzu: *giggled* I never doubt of you from this moment.

Pinkie: *agreed sheepishly* I know!

Sora: And with Wildmutt on the case, they're as good as found! Ain't that right, Ben? *guessed to the Vulpimancer, who nodded before cracking a grin*

He then reached his left arm up to the symbol of his contraption, twisting the dial by using his fingers before slamming it with his palm. A flash of green light then emerged, transforming his body as he became significantly larger than his previous form, letting his fur turn into a maroon red color. He had four huge grayish white spikes running down his back that overlapped. The spikes started out as a shark-like fin at the head and rose almost into an arc over the back, having been tapered near the rump. He also had a long tail, where it tip had a horn that resembled a scorpion stinger. On top of that, the Omnitrix symbol had moved down to his chest with spikes coming out from it.

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