Movie Magic Part 2

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After Ben had transformed back to normal from Four Arms, the entire group and the director had gathered back at the village setting, seeing that all three of the props were missing from the display.

Serena: *calmed Rainbow down as she tried to ask her* Tell us what happened, Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow: I wanted to check them out again up close, and they weren't there! *explained in a panicked tone as both Minori and Twilight examined the place where the handmade relics were*

Canter: This can't be happening! *yelled, holding his cheeks with his hands as he too sounded distressed, while his relative stood beside him* What are we gonna do?! *asked desperately, brushing his hair back*

Sunset: Couldn't you just get the prop department to make new ones? *questioned, chiming into the conversation*

Riku: That sounds like the simplest solution should we not find the missing ones. *concurred as he folded his arms over his chest*

Canter: As much as I would like to, the missing relics were personally approved by A. K. Yearling! *exclaimed, clenching his fists in frustration as he kept going while rubbing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose* We could have new ones made, but we can't use them until Miss Yearling has given them her official stamp of approval! You think it'd be easy to reach someone who is always holed up in her office writing, *grumbled, folding his arms over his chest* but Miss Yearling is a very difficult woman to track down.

Rainbow: *stuttered in question* I-It'll be okay, though, right? 

Canter: Chestnut's contract with us is almost up, and with Mount Vehoovius collapsing, and now this, I fear we'll have to stop production altogether! *admitted, sounding both ashamed and stressed*

Rainbow: *stammered out desperately* But-but you have to finish this movie! Think of all the Daring Do fans who'll be so disappointed if you don't! *mentioned, seemingly about to cry*

Twilight: Are you sure there's nothing you can do to—? *her question was interjected at the moment a crash was heard elsewhere in the building, making the others gasp*

Fang: Well that didn't sound good. *bluntly noted, enticing his rival to elbow him in the chest and make him stumble back a step*

Canter: *apologized in a stressed tone* Ah... I'm so sorry... Please excuse me. *pleaded, walking off with his niece, who smiled nervously towards the others before leaving*

Ben: I better go, too. Maybe Gravattack can float that mountain peak back into place. *suggested as he was about to head off*

Midoriya: Wait! I'll help, Ben. *chimed in, causing him stop & face Midoriya*

Ben: *nodded with a smile* Thanks Midoriya. I really need some help. *Midoriya smiled as Ben glanced at them*  We'll catch with you guys later. *he & Midoriya raced off towards the destroyed*

Minori: *hummed as she deducted calmly* Well, first order of business is we need to find the relics and the culprit.

Rainbow: *cried out*  But how!? The relics are gone, and the movie's about to be ruined! *exclaimed sadly with tearing eyes, while Fluttershy went over to pat her on the shoulder reassuringly*

Twilight: *hummed as she put her right hand onto her chin* Hmm... There was trouble with one of the costumes when we first arrived... A set that was fine yesterday just collapsed. *continued to list off as her friends listened closely* And now, the most important props in the movie have been stolen. *finished after gathering all the notable details* I don't think these are just coincidences. *admitted while crossing her arms*

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