Dance Magic Part 2

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A while later, they had arrived back in the school music room, speaking with everyone about the plan they uncovered.

Rarity: See? It's a wonderful plan. We'll write some lyrics for our new song and we'll choreograph some dance moves. *added as she shook her shoulders* Then our video will win a cash prize, and voilà! *exclaimed with outstretched arms

Applejack: You make it sound simple as pie. *pointed out in a concerned tone*

Rarity: *reassured cheekily* That's because it is! The girls at Crystal Prep even agree. *mentioned, causing everyone to all perk up in surprise* They're making a video, too.

Twilight: They are? *questioned, arching an eyebrow

Rarity: *asked with a stutter out of concern* I-Is that a problem, darling?

Twilight: Oh, no, it's not. *assured as a reply while shaking her head slightly* Just haven't heard much about my old school since I left, I guess... *noted as she rubbed the back of her neck, making Boboiboy glance over at her in concern*

Spike: Well, if you ask me, Crystal Prep has got nothin' on CHS! I love it here! *exclaimed as he stretched his legs out before Fluttershy scratched his chin, causing him to shudder in delight* See what I mean? *pointed out contently as the girl beside him giggled*

Maria: Well, that's good. *uttered, causing everyone to perk up* But me & Kiku didn't know what Crystal Prep is. Anyone gonna fill us in on who Crystal Prep is? *asked as she placed her right hand against her cheek*

Sunset: They're a rival school of ours down in the city, *replied, folding her arms over her chest* and their students are pretty competitive. *mentioned with a frown*

Kiku: *realized* Oh, that's right. They were the ones you faced during those Friendship Games you told us about. *recalled, getting a nod from Sunset*

Minori: Which means it's all the more likely that winning this contest won't be as easy. *concurred as she narrowed her eyes*

Yugi: That's right. Crystal Prep won't back down because they do anything to win.

Ash: Hey, don't worry! *reassured, catching her attention* I'm sure with the group we have, we got this in the bag!

Spike: Yeah! 

Rarity: Okay, *began, making the entire group perk up and look over at her again* before we get started with the choreographing of our dance moves and eh, heh, heh... *mumbled, waving her left hand around in a nervous manner as she confessed sheepishly* there's just one tiny, teeny-weensy, little thing I forgot to mention...

Sunset: *asked as she arched her right eyebrow* What's that?

Rarity: Uhh... *uttered anxiously, seeming as if she was hoping her friends would not be mad* I would need to use our fundraiser money to buy costume materials for the video! *explained rather quickly, much to the surprise of everyone as they all blinked*

Sunset: *hummed in thought, placing her hand onto her chin* Hmm... How much is the grand prize worth?

Rarity: More than double what we need to fix up Camp Everfree! *responded immediately upon rushing over*

Rainbow: *laughed, catching their attentions* Hah! Then of course you can use the money for costumes!

Applejack: *sighed* Huh... Oh, what the hay? *muttered, standing up and taking the cash box into her hands as she agreed with a smile* Why not?

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