Couldn't Sleep

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It was the next day and Y/n was getting ready for work. To say she was nervous to see Jungkook was a big understatement, she was terrified. She had just finish taking a shower and was drying her hair with only a towel wrapped around her.

Last night was something that came up unexpected, she nor Jungkook expected that. After they had their moment they ended up going back inside without speaking and went to their separate rooms. Only saying goodnight to each other. They both had a lot to think about and couldn't really keep a conversation up. Y/n ended up staying awake most of the night.

Once she had finished getting ready she had finally talked herself enough to leave her room. fixing her skirt one more time and holding her heels in her right hand and bag and phone in left, somehow managing to open the door and walked down the stairs with out bumping into Jungkook. Once she got into the kitchen she  set her stuff down on the counter placing her shoes on the floor, and went to the coffee machine. She started the coffee maker and went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for her and Jungkook. Not being a really big fan of cooking she  would have rather eaten out but, Jungkook was nice enough to let her stay at his house so she decided to cook.

Started heating up the pan and cooked some eggs stirring occasionally. A few minutes passed and she heard the footsteps of shoes coming into the kitchen. Y/n tensed up starting to feel nervous all over again.

Jungkook walked over to the coffee maker and poured himself some coffee and prepared his coffee. " Good Morning Y/n" he said placing his cup down on the counter taking a seat at the island. 

Y/n's shoulders tensed up before she released "good morning sir." she said not daring to look up from the pan that seemed to be taking most of her interest.  

Jungkook just chuckled shaking his head amused "what are you making?" he asked trying to get you to turn your head around.

"nothing special." Y/n said not turning her head around trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible. 

Jungkook grunted and got up out of his seat and walked up behind her. "Y/n turn around." he said in a low voice.

"I can't I have to make sure I'm watching the food and i-" Y/n started to ramble getting flustered by Jungkook, but was interrupted by him spinning her around and placing a kiss on her head leaving his lips to rest on her head.

Y/n's was taken by surprise and her face got all red. Jungkook removed his lips and placed his forehead on hers.

"The food will be okay, just look at me woman." he said sounding a bit desperate.

Y/n looked up at him and right when their eyes met their lips met. It wasn't needy but sweet and caring. One of Jungkook's hand went to cup her cheek and the other went to her back to pull her closer. Y/n's hands went to the collar of Jungkooks suit. After a few seconds they pulled away placing their forehead on each others.

"I couldn't sleep last night." Jungkook breathlessly admitted.

Y/n smiled real big "me neither." she said before landing her lips on his again


A/n: I know this was a small chapter but i promised to upload and i had to give you guys something but ill be writing way more once summer comes which is in about three weeks then ill be giving you a chapter a week and two if I can. sorry if this chapter looks wonky I'm writing this on my laptop which I've never done so this is new.                                                                                             Umm... also i saw that we got 20k reads on this book! I'm so happy and thank you for all the new followers. if you guys have any ideas for this book or what you'll like to see just leave a comment.                                                                                                                                                                                  Please like, comment, and vote helps me know that people actually like my story


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