First day on the job

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" Hello Mr. Jeon I'm your new assistant Park   Y/n." I spoke with much professionalism as possible
He looked up from his screen and was now giving me his full attention.
He looked me up and down with this intense gaze that made me  feel really small.
"Ms. Park I hope you do realize that you are ten minutes late for work. As you must have heard I have a very strict late policy." He said. His voice was so cold that it sent shivers down my spine.
"Yes sir I'm well aware of it and it won't happen again." I said trying to sound strong and not like his voice makes me want to hide in a whole.
"I'll let it slide for today but, you do have a lot of work that needs to be completed and you will not be able to leave until it's done." He said turning around in his chair to grab something.
"Yes sir, I understand fully." I already knew that I would have stay late but, now I don't know how long I'll have to stay.
He put on his desk a thick stack of papers and a few Manila folder filled with paper. "Here, these are all the files on new hires I need you to do a background check on all of them, theses are some papers that have been submitted to me about proposition on new ideas, and i need you to check all the emails and reply to them also make sure to schedule any appointments that I may have."
Still processing, I grabbed the heavy stack and walked to door. "Ok sir is that it or is there anything else you need me to do?" I asked.
He just looked back at his computer and I got it as a sign to leave.
I opened the door with my elbow since my hands were occupied with a crap load of papers.
I closed the door behind me and set all the papers down on my desk. I sat in my chair and start up my computer.
While waiting, I took out some pens and sticky notes. I grabbed my yogurt from my bag and started eating while I waited for the computer to load. Once it had loaded I started replying to the many emails I had to reply. I followed the list that the old assistant left and began to work.

It was about five in the afternoon and I hadn't eaten all day. I was only about halfway done with my assignments.
Mr. Jeon had come out a few times and every time he came out he would pass a glance and me put I pretend that I didn't notice and continued with my work.
Right now he wasn't in his office. He had left somewhere to get something. Everybody in the office had left only a few people remained but by the hour there were less and less people.

Time had passed and it was six-thirty and I was the only one left. Mr. jeon hadn't comeback yet which only made me asume that he left.

Two hour had pass and I heard the door to the office open. I turned my head towards the door and saw Mr. Jeon come in. I turned my head back to the computer and continued my work because i wanted to leave but i know not anytime soon.
Mr. Jeon stopped right at my desk and put out a bag that he probably got from the convince store. "Here take this."
I looked up at his with a confused look "Hmm?"
He just huffed "You've been here since the morning and haven't eaten anything. Just eat this."
"Thank you sir but, I don't really think that's necessary." I said kindly refusing his offer
"I'm not asking you to eat I'm telling you to eat. Now eat it and leave. It's almost nine, I think you have done enough for today." He told me in a cold stern voice making jump a little.
"Yes sir." I said in a quite voice and grabbed the bag.

He left back to his office and I ate my food and went back home.

It was around nine thirty when I came back home. I took a shower and was lying on my bed thinking about today.
'Mr. Jeon seems pretty mean and scary but it also seems like he has a heart and can be kind. He is pretty good looking but, his personality kind of ruins it.'
I was so deep in thought thinking about random things that I fell asleep.

____________________________________ A/n: ok so I decided to update this book again. Until August 28 I'll update randomly. Once it's the 28th then I'll have a schedule but I might add bonus updates. I'm not sure how long the chapters will be but I'll try to make them long. Also don't forget to vote and comment helps me know that people actually like this.

Mr. Jeon // Jeon Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now