Ending Author's Note

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Hello everyone!

Finally, With Love, Étienne has come to an end. I've loved every second of writing this story and I hope you have too. Louella and Étienne will always have a special place in my heart


I also hope the ending was satisfying for all of you. I debated countless times on how to wrap up the story, and I think this way was for the best. I don't think it would have been right to push the relationship between them and they were both affected in their own ways by what happened. Now is their time to move on with their lives, even if it's not together.

I understand some find it frustrating about the outcome of the trial. However, only 2-3% of rape trails get a  guilty verdict, so I think it was more realistic for Milo to walk free -- as frustrating as that is.

I'm definitely going to do a few bonus chapters just because I love them so much. I think it'll be nice to see how they've both changed in the coming years and how they've matured.

Once again, thank you all so much for reading! It really means the world to me and thank you for the support along the way. Each notification brings a smile to my face ❤

With love,

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