Part II: Chapter Four

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My  hands clasped the mug as tightly as I could until my knuckles turned  white. The café was buzzing with young college students shuffling in and   looking as though they hadn't slept in days, only craving the  sweetness  of coffee. I was sat in the very corner of the shop, almost  hidden from  everyone's view and observed those coming in and out. One  couple on the  left both looked irritated, and it was clear that the  female was trying  to hold back on whatever she wanted to say, while the  male was slouched  in his seat and displayed the same expression I did  when I was in  lectures. Shifting my gaze away, there was an older  couple sitting  across the room, and I almost smiled when I noticed  their hands clasped  together while talking animatedly.

It  was still early in the morning, but rain was pelting down outside  without mercy. I leaned my head against the wall behind me, and my eyes   fluttered shut at the soothing sounds. There was always this feeling of  nostalgia whenever the weather was bad. In the distance, the sound of  the bell clinging could be heard, but I  didn't pay much attention to  it, even as a pair of heavy footsteps made  their way towards me.


I  knew it was him before I even opened my eyes. His voice sent a shiver  through my entire body and I had to stop myself from physically  reacting  to his presence. And there he was, standing in front of me  with a bag swung over his shoulder and a steaming cup in the other. His dark hair  was pushed back, but a small strand flopped forward, framing  his face in a way. If there was any word to describe him, it would be  perfect. His  black shirt was tucked neatly into his dark jeans and I noticed a single  bracelet wrapped around his wrist with a small silver charm dangling  off of it but I couldn't make out what it was before he  his hand in his  pocket.

He  had  the height of a man but none of the bulk. There were muscles under his  shirt, but not the bulky kind men can get from years of  weight lifting.  From behind, he could be anywhere in his late teens to early thirties,  but when he turned, he had the same face as he did when  we were younger. He was lit up with that grin boys wear when they have  something  mischievous planned.

"Morning."   He smiled then, the action lighting up his entire face and I could see  the deeply engraved smile lines on his cheeks. "How are you?" He didn't hesitate in pulling out the seat in front of me and slipping in smoothly. His arms stretched comfortably in front of him while he   gripped the edges of his drink.

"I'm good." I coughed at the sudden proximity between us and discreetly  tried to move back. My action didn't go unnoticed from his peering eyes.  "Sorry for asking  you out here so early. I just figured it would be  quiet enough at this  hour."

"No, it's  fine, I don't mind." Étienne waved me off. "I'm usually up around  six  anyway so it's no hassle. But. . . Thanks for reaching out, by the  way.  I'm not going to lie, I was a little surprised, but I'm glad you did."

Aimlessly,  I traced random shapes onto the table and averted my eyes from his   curious ones. I didn't know what had possessed me either and I spent all weekend worrying about whether I had made the right choice or not. But now that he was sitting in front of me, I knew that I had made the  right  choice. Something just felt right.

"Yeah,  I have missed you, you know?" I cleared my throat, almost mumbling the  last few words. "And what's the harm in catching up a little?"

My   heart was beating endlessly in my chest after that confession and I   wanted to slap myself in that moment for opening my mouth but Étienne's   eyes crinkled heavily when a bright grin lit up his face. An immediate   overflow of happiness  filled his face and I had to blink a little to   shield myself. A sense of comfort washed over me and I released a quiet   exhale that my comment hadn't come across as weird.

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