Bonus Chapter II

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I missed the fast-paced environment of my old town and I didn't realize just how attached I was to everything there. All around me were unfamiliar faces and places, but there was also a drop of excitement that came with starting afresh in a city you didn't know. It was nerve-wracking, of course, but I had wasted too much of my time sitting around and waiting for something that was never going to happen. I stopped dreaming and losing my head in the clouds, and instead focused on what was in front of me. It was time I worked on myself instead of putting everyone else first .

And that was what I did -- I spent years focusing on myself, my career, making new friends and ultimately family. Soon enough, I had built a new life for myself in a new town, and I had never been prouder. No longer did I spend everyday obsessing and worrying over the what-if's and could-be's. There was a sense of serenity and peace that came with letting go of the past.

Caia's piercing screech vibrated right next to my ear, breaking me from my running thoughts and I couldn't help but wince, shooting apologetic stares at the nearby parents. They peered at the little girl beside me and softened their expressions when they took in her angelic form -- although she was more of a devil than angel. It was then I noticed Caia was trying to climb up the side of the plastic yellow slide. Whispering a small curse under my breath, I grabbed her underarms and dragged her away a little when I noticed a line of other kids waiting their turn at the top as they swished down, nearly knocking her over. She struggled in my hold a little, but I bent down to her level, raising a stern brow.

"Caia, what did I tell you about screaming in public places? And you know you have to wait your turn for the slides, right? You can't climb up the front like that. You'll get hurt."

I rubbed my ears, hopping the ringing would stop soon. However, she simply flashed me a devilish grin, showing all of her teeth (coated in chocolate) and shook her head, her pigtails swishing from side to side. She was the kind of child that attracted trouble wherever she went, stumbling and tripping over everything, but would jump back up in a second, only to start tearing about once more. How she managed to have this much energy everyday, I didn't know. I was afraid to let her out of my sight for a single second, in fear that she would dash out into the middle of the road, or something else dangerous.

Even still, she was an absolute sweetheart. Never was there a dull moment with her around, even at her age. She gave me heart-attacks nearly every day, but as long as I was around, I would never let anything bad happen to her.


She grinned up at me, not an ounce of sincerity in her words. I rolled my eyes, but a smile blossomed on my own face and I bent over, gesturing for her to hop on my back.

"Come on little lady," I cheesed, "Want to ride on my back for a bit?"

Caia's eyes brightened even more, if that was possible, and I knew I was only setting myself up for disaster when night came by exciting her to this point. At the very least, she wouldn't wake up at all hours of the morning tomorrow. Her small legs wobbled as she hurried closer, her hands linking around my neck. I gripped the underside of her legs, and rose up as she screamed in happiness once more. I swooped and turned her around in the air while Caia tossed her head back and laughed.

"Spin me, spin me!"

In the passing wind, the whisper of my name carried with it. My ears strained, and I turned around. Immediately, my gaze locked on a woman who was sitting a few feet away from us on a bench, her eyes also trained on mine. Her hair flowed behind her in the gentle evening breeze, while the sunset seemed to focus on her. It cast a warm, angelic glow around her and I stumbled in my steps, freezing on the spot. It was a face I would never forget and although she looked a little older, more mature perhaps, when she stood up and offered me a friendly grin, it was like I was sucked back six years into the past. The feeling pierced straight through my heart and I couldn't help but stand there like a fool, my mouth opening and closing, but I struggled to find the words to say.

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