Ultimate Battle/Overlord

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4 years have passed. Lloyd now 14 walked in the living room with everyone else. Sensei told Lloyd he has to fight the overlord his father said "Please be safe" lloyd smiled "I will dad I'll try too" Garmadon nodded and Lloyd and everyone else went to Ninjago City and up on a tall building was the overlord. Kai gasped in shock "He's turned everyone evil" Jay was worried he didn't want to be evil. Garmadon and Wu told Lloyd he needed to make it to the top of the fortress. Lloyd started climbing when he reached the top the overlord turned around. Lloyd said "I HAVE COME HERE TO FIGHT YOU!" Overlord said "YOUR IN NO SHAPE TO FIGHT ITS OVER EVIL WINS!" He said with an evil laugh. Lloyd formed and energy ball around him and said "Ninja never quit" the over lord laughed "Then all I have to say is. Goodbye" then he shot lloyd with his dark energy pushing Lloyd of the side of the building. Lloyd pushes back against him the rose up next thing he knew he had an golden gi. Misako said "He has become the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master" Wu said "This is the final battle" Lloyd said "I am the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master" The overlord said "No" he hit Lloyd with his foot but Lloyd hit him back formed his dragon and slammed into the overlord. The overlord started circling around Lloyd in dark energy. Lloyd started spinning around in the dark ball and next thing he new he blew up. His father got worried bc he couldn't find his son. Lloyd flew down with his dragon got of and ran to his father hugging him. Garmadon whispered to him "you did it Lloyd you won" lloyd hugged his father tighter. They went home and all had a shower then got ready for bed. Lloyd's father walked in his room as always to tell him goodnight. He sat on the bed beside him. "Hey dad" Lloyd said hugging him. Garmadon said "hey" and hugged him back. "I love you" lloyd said. Garmadon said "I love you too" Lloyd asked his father another question "Dad?" Garmadon looked at him "yes?" Lloyd leaned into him "c-can you stay with me tonight please" Garmadon smiled and nodded "of course I can" Garmadon kissed his forehead and they both laid down. Lloyd fell asleep first. Garmadon looked at him caressing his check.  "I love you my son I'm so proud of you" lloyd smiled in his sleep and whispered "thanks dad" Garmadon smiled laid down and went to sleep.

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