Fanbrush-Missing shirts

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This was a request but I feel like I wrote this really shittily but whatever-

Paintbrush was digging around in their drawers next to their bed.

"Are you sure you haven't seen it??" They slam the drawer shut and open the one below it.

"I am sure!" responds their roomate, Fan, "Did you put it in the laundry?" Paintbrush thinks to themself for a moment.

"You know what? I probably did... I shouldn't be getting so worked up over a shirt, anyways." they take a glance outside through the window, "it's too hot outside to wear black." They open their closet, grab a copper tank-top, and put it on. Fan sits on his bed, toying with his phone like always.

"I'll be back around, two-ish. I promised Marsh that I'd bring some stuff to the mansion."

"Okay, see you then...."

Fan kept checking his phone every few minutes, being extremely bored. He glances up at the tank that was placed on the dresser near the foot of Paintbrush's bed. Inside was Paintbrush's crab, Baxter. Well, half Paintbrush's. Lightbulb is Baxter's original and as of now, Co- owner of Baxter. Because Lightbulb was still in that reality show though, Baxter currently stays with Paintbrush.

Eventually, staring at the red crab became boring. It was only eleven, and Paintbrush said they wouldn't be back until 2. Fan could do basically whatever he wanted until they got back.

He slid off of his bed and to the floor next to it. He feels under the bed and pulls out a few shirts from underneath it.

They were all Paintbrush's shirts. Including the one Paintbrush was looking for that morning.

Fan threw the slightly oversized shirts over his head, cuddling into them like a warm blanket. The hotel room was a little bit chilly anyways, so it felt nice to warm up with the shirts instead of going outside. The shirts didn't really help too much though.

Fan opened Paintbrush's closet and went inside of it. He took a couple more shirts off of the hangers and put them on as well.

He sat in the closet, warmed by the clothes, until he heard the door open.

"Hey fan, I'm back. Marsh didnt have as much stuff as I though she did so-" they stop in the center of the room, "Fan?"

They look around until they see their closet door open. The look inside and find fan, wrapped with t-shirts and other clothes on the floor around them.

"Well, I think I found whos been taking my clothes."

Fan's face turned red and he buried it in his hands.

"You know you can ask me to borrow my clothes, you don't need to steal them."

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