PENcil - Truth or Dare

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((1225 words hhhh- I dont think this turned out good but I didn't scrap it bc it was a request.  I hope you like it i guess- I don't really ship this so it was really hard for me to figure out how or what they were gonna be like, so thanks for the truth or dare idea ig... I'm usually better at this even with ships i don't ship so idk why it was so hard for me-????))

"This challenge is based off a well known game..." Four explains to the contestants who were sitting in a very large circle.

"IT'S TRUTH OR DARE!!!" X exclaimes, earning a small glare from Four.

"Oh my tree, Match and I used to love playing that game!" Pencil exclaims from Death P.A.C.T.'s section of the circle . Bubble sighs and looks to the side.

"The rules of course had to be modified to fit as a challenge, X will now explain how this will work." Four continued.

"One person is asked truth or dare. The person will choose which they would rather do, then is asked the question or told the thing they have to do. If you get asked it or dared it, you HAVE TO do it! There's no skips. Keep in mind that if you pick truth you get 1 point, if you pick dare you get three. After you complete your dare or truth, you then get to ask someone on a different team. If your question or dare has to have someone else in it, they have to be on the SAME TEAM as the person your daring. The team with the least points is up for elimination!!"

The circle of objects were all mumbling to themselves or each other. Pencil was quietly watching her old team, Iance, hoping they didn't hate her or something. That's what Match had told her. Black hole approached Pencil.

"So, Pencil. You just joined today so I'm assuming you don't really know what Death P.A.C.T. is all about..." He says in his monotone voice. Pencil turned to look at him.

"We're all about Preventing Death, meaning that we don't kill people, and we try to prevent death every chance we get."

"Oh, I can do that. I saved Gelatin's life once you know." Pencil replied, remembering way back when in bfdia and how close she and her alliance were back then...

"Great. You should be a good help to our team then." Blackhole agreed. Four jumped into the center of the circle and everyone quieted down. Blackhole quickly went back to his spot in the circle.

"To start, I will go first in asking someone truth or dare because no one could think of any other way to start it." Four announces. He closes his eyes and spins in a circle with his finger pointed out in front of him. When he stops and opens his eyes, he's pointing at Firey on The Losers.

"Truth or dare." Four asks, not even bothering to be polite about it. Firey thought for a second, about to choose dare, but this was FOUR who was asking.

"Truth!" Firey exclaimed.

"How many times have you won a prize, but never received it?"

"Uhhh. Once???"

"Okay, now you choose someone on a different team to ask."

"Uhh... Bubble I guess???"

Four rotated his hand in a way to say 'go on...?'

"Yeah, uh bubble, truth or dare???"

Bubble looked nervously at the ground.

"Oh noio... I guess oi pick troyth..."

"Okay uh, what do you think of your teammates i guess??"

Bubble stared at the ground, she could feel her teammates' eyes burning into her with their curiosity.

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