MemeyBoi X Venus

467 2 4

I love the Memestery Gang so much aaaa


MemeyBoi and Venus were sitting on the couch watching King Kong vs. Godzilla. They were snuggled together with a blanket over their legs. Memeyboi had his arm around Venus and his head was rested on hers. It neared the end of the movie, but they knew the ending, they had watched this movie hundreds of times before. Memeyboi turned down the volume and shifted to face Venus more. They both blushed and smiled at each other.

"How are you liking the movie so far?" Memeyboi asks.

"It's good." she replied, giggling a bit at the accent he used.

"C-can I kiss you?" he asks, immediately blushing a deep red. Venus blushed as well.

"O-okay" she answered back, stuttering slightly. They both looked at each other for a few seconds. Memeyboi took a deep breath, then leaned in to kiss her.

The door bursts open with a bang and Tacobell runs in.

"OH MY GOSH GUYS YOU HAVE TO HELP US SOM-" She stops and stares at the two, whose faces were really close to each other and wide with surprise, "OHHhh- Were you two just-"


"Oh just came in to ask for your help, cause a phone has this demon hand thingy coming out of its screen and its trying to kill everyone."



I'm sorry it's so short! I wrote if for a class ;w;

I actually have requests to do! (From DA after begging my watchers to give me ships) 

What I need to do:

Fan X TestTube

Loser X Cake

Again, requests are open!! You dont even have to request on a certain part! Any part is fine! JUST PLEASE REQUEST ;w;

{when I cant draw, i write, but if i dont know what to write, im pretty much screwed-}

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