ch.18~ Big crowds and clastrophobia

Start from the beginning

"More than you know," I laughed slightly, resting my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.

This time the sleep actually lasted, and when I woke up I actually felt refreshed. Looking around the plane, I noticed almost everyone else was up, aswell.

"Goodmorning," I smiled at Austin, who had either been up or was just getting up.

"Goodmorning, Liz, how did you sleep?" he asked, smiling over at me.

"Great, once I actually got to sleep," I giggled.

"You have a cute laugh," Austin commented.

"Way to rack up on those compliments early," I teased, biting my lip.

"Never too early," he reassured, kissing my cheek.

"Aww," the girls cooed.

"Goodmorning," Austin and I chuckled.

"Well, look who finally decided to wake up," dad chuckled, looking at Austin and I.

"Hey, I was tired," I defended. "And payback is coming boys."

"Dang it, how did you remember that?" Niall said, looking at me.

" I remember things in my slap happy mode, you should know this," I said, giggiling.

"Fair enough," he nodded.

"Glad, you got some sleep before going completely mad," Harry laughed.

"Haha, very funny," I smiled, chucking a pillow at him.

"Hey, weapons down, there are liquids that can be spilled," Dad said, using his authorative voice.

"Yes, sir," I said, bringing my knee up to my chest and placing my chin on top of it.

"Are you ready for tonight, boys?" El asked, looking around.

"So pumped," the boys smiled.

"Oh yea, is Alex gonna be there?" I asked, looking at Austin.

"Yup, already got a million texts about it," Austin chuckled,

"Well, I can't wait to meet him," I smiled.

"Yea, he can't wait to meet you and bug me," Austin laughed.

"Hey, they have to tease you, it's part of the best friend code," El laughed.

"Yea, that's probably true," he said.

"Well, you have about seven hours to figure out comebacks," Harry said.

"Got it," Austin smiled.

"How long until we land?" I asked, falling back into my seat.

"I don't know two, maybe, three more hours," Liam said.

"Alright, cool," I said, biting my nail.

"Why are you biting your nail?" Zayn asked.

"Because I'm so bored," I said.

"Right, so eating your nail sounds like a good idea to stop that?" he chuckled.

"Hey, I have nothing better to do," I laughed.

"Well, this conversation isn't exciting enough for you?" El asked, laughing.

"Naw, too boring," I teased, smiling.

"Gee, thanks," Niall joked.

"You're welcome," I giggled.

"Sassy," Louis laughed.

1 Girl, 5 Boys, and A Day That Changed It AllWhere stories live. Discover now