Business and Pleasure

Start from the beginning

Dan hummed, "Okay sure, how long do you want this video to be?"

"We want it pretty long. We're paying really good money for this guy, let's make the most of him. This videos gonna pay for itself." As he spoke the door opened and in walked Dan's co-star. "Right on time! Danny Bare, Phil Sass. Phil Sass, Danny Bare." He introduced the two, using their stage names as was custom.

Dan's eyes widened a little as he took in the man before him, then a slow grin spread on his face. "Oh, hello handsome." Phil looked him up and down deliberately, grinning himself after a moment. "Hey, there pretty thing. It's good to meet you."

Dan held out a hand, "Likewise, I hear we're working together today."

Phil slid his hand into Dan's and shook slowly, "It would seem so." He smiled, checking him out shamelessly.

Henry hummed, smiling. "Well you seem interested in each other, that's always helpful."

Dan looked over, "It's always better when they're hot. So, we doing this as one long take or in sections?" Phil smiled over his head given the height difference, "I'm down for whatever. What are you thinking Henry?"

Henry considered, "Let's try for sections, we'll note when you need to change position, but if you're wanting to try one long take we could give it a go. Think you two can keep up?"

Dan stretched his arms, shoulders popping, "Pretty sure I can."

"Oh, I can keep up." Phil hummed, rolling his neck.

"Perfect then. Phil, we're gonna pick up with you coming in to check on him, he checks you out, clearly trying to get you into bed." He gestured for the door.

Dan climbed onto the bed, grabbing the controller and shifting to laying on his front. "Got all your lines sorted handsome?" Phil looked him over and smirked, shooting him a wink. "Lines are the last thing on my mind." He slid out into the hallway and closed the door.

Dan snorted, Henry just looked mildly amused. "Oh, you two are going to be great. Okay on three. Two. One and Action."

Phil knocked on the old wooden door and opened it a second later, his large frame leaning easily on the door. "Sam told me to check on you on his way out. You needing anything?" He played the bored look well, casting a glance in his direction.

Dan turned this head, legs kicking up behind him, then his eyebrows raised and he looked him up and down. "Oh, I don't know you tell me." Phil rolled his eyes, straightening up. "Yes or no kid, us big boys have things to do." He quipped though Dan was only playing a few years his junior in the scene.

Dan scoffed, rolling onto his side, "I could give you something to do."

"You're awful forward, aren't you? Sam's my little brother."

Dan rolled back onto his front and continued to play. "I don't see what that has to do with anything."

Phil closed the door behind him and crossed the room slowly. He sat on the edge of the bed. "Then why are you still just lying there."

Dan glanced up at him, smile slowly spreading as he dropped the controller. "Thought I'd give you a chance to enjoy the view." Phil tilted his head just a little, sliding a slow hand up the back of Dan's calf, then up the back of his thigh. "It is a pretty view."

Dan smirked, the got up onto his knees in front of him. "There's an even better one."

Phil held his chin with a charming smirk, "And what might that be?" He ran a thumb over Dan's lower lip. "Me under you, naked." Dan took Phil's thumb into his mouth, sucking sinfully.

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