Are We There Yet

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BECAUSE NatalieGolbrock    WANTED IT! !

unplanned pregnancy


"My parents aren't married" Addison Lester-Howell raises her hand, "I won't have any wedding photos" she stutters anxiously.

"Oh" Addison's teacher crouches down to her level and gives her a small smile. "Why don't you do the project on your grandparents, yeah" Addison nods enthusiastically at her teacher.


Dan lay in bed, breathing in heavily as another tear roll down his face. He couldn't believe this was happening to him, this completely ruined everything. Phil had called him five times to find out why he hadn't come to school for the fifth day in a row. It was their last year and graduation was on Monday night.

There was a timid knock at Dan's door, making him aware of what his surroundings were. "Come in," he whispers, voice barely audible from crying. His mum walks in a gingerly approaches Dan, adjusting his fringe so it wasn't sticking to his face. "Love, you have to go to school, " she rubs his back as he tries to hide under his duvet more. "I'll go on Monday, I promise, " he grumbles.

"Good." His mother hesitates before continuing, "I invited Phil over" that sentence makes Dan sits up immediately. He blinks rapidly, waiting for his mother to explain. "He'll be over in about an hour, so you better get up, " she says as she walks over and opens Dan's blinds, letting in more light than Dan had seen in a week.

"Why would you do that, mum, I'm not ready" he rubs up and down the length of his left arm anxiously.

"He's going to find out eventually Dan, you don't just hide a baby bump from your best friend for nine months, " she subconsciously starts cleaning up Dan's room, which he hadn't left since he got the call from the doctor.

Dan didn't get out of bed as he waited for Phil, he kind of just stayed in his bed staring at his wall. He and Phil didn't even have a chance to discuss what happened, Phil had said he wanted more, but, would he now that Dan was pregnant?

"Hey stranger" Phil's voice snaps Dan out of his thoughts. Dan instantly feels his throat close up. He signals for Phil to join him, flopping down into his mattress and rolling over so Phil wouldn't see him cry.

He lets out a shaky breath when he feels Phil get under his duvet and soothingly rubbing his back. "Dan" he said more of an invitation. Dan rolled over to face Phil, fresh tears running down his face. Dan felt a pang in his chest, looking at Phil's guilty expression. Without saying anything, Phil brought his hand up to meet Dan's cheek, using the pad of his thumb to wipe away tears.

"Talk to me" he whispers and Dan whimpers, hesitantly grabbing Phil's hand, guiding it to his tummy.


Today was Phil's day to pick Addison up. They agreed when Addison was born that Phil would go to uni first and then Dan would after Phil finished and today Dan was at school. He was currently pulling up and spotted Addison instantly, signalling her over. Instead of her usual gleeful skip, Addison walked over to her father's car with her head bowed down.

Phil frowned when Addison got into the car without even saying hello.

"Addy, what's wrong, was someone mean to you?" Phil suddenly felt very angry at the thought of someone being mean to his daughter and briefly had the urge to turn the car back around to find out which little punk hurt his daughter's feelings.

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