Back To Those Tokyo Nights

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Phil feels old


Phil's hand rests on Dan's lower back, his fingers splayed out against soft skin that still hints at the beginnings of the tan he'd picked up in Australia. Dan's back slopes down in a smooth curve to his head, to where the side of his face is pressed into the pillow.

"Harder," he grunts. He has no patience for the slow, gentle rolling of Phil's hips.

Phil knows this. He knows because it's the same every time. He wants to make it last, wants to slide in and out and feel Dan tight around him, and Dan lets him for a while.

But eventually Dan bores of that and wants to be fucked properly. So Phil fucks him. He grabs Dan's hips and pulls him back to meet each thrust, the slap of their skin getting louder and louder along with Dan's pitchy little moans.

There's no universe where Phil doesn't find this sexy, where it isn't incredibly fun and where he won't fill the condom up with an obscene amount of come. He's not complaining.

He's not.

Dan's wanking himself with speed and purpose, telling Phil exactly how fast to go and what angle is best to hit the spot Dan needs him to hit.

He tells Phil before he's about to come and then blows his load all over the towel they've laid down beneath them. Phil keeps going, lets the visual of Dan's ass jiggling with every hard thrust and his vaguely pained noises push him over the edge.

He pulls out slowly, always slowly and carefully and pulls the spent condom off before his dick gets soft and makes a mess. He ties it off and tosses it in the bin when he gets to the toilet to wash up.

"I'm thirsty," Dan shouts from the bed. He's probably already used the towel to wipe himself up and dumped it on the floor. He's gross like that, but he'll be the one to clean it up in the morning so Phil can't really whinge too much.

"Water or Ribena?" Phil calls back as he turns on the faucet in the bathtub and rinses the remains of lube and jizz from his cock.

"Water please."

Phil fetches them each a glass of water from the kitchen. He's still stark naked and a little cold, which still feels strange to him. It'd still been a bit cold when they'd started the tour, and now they're back and it's cold again. It's almost like summer in London didn't happen this year.

But of course it did. He just didn't get to be a part of it. It makes sense, it's just also... weird.

He hands Dan his water and slides under the covers next to him to chug his own down quickly. Did sex always tire him out this thoroughly?

Dan's on his laptop already, looking at something on Reddit. He doesn't even turn to Phil when he says, "What're we doing tomorrow?"

"Meeting with Martyn," Phil says, putting his empty glass on the nightstand and flicking off the light. "Early. You should put that away."

Dan sighs, but he shuts it and slides it under the bed. "Being an adult is bullshit, I didn't sign up for this."

"Me neither," Phil says, a smile ghosting his lips as he leans in and pecks Dan on the side of his mouth. "Goodnight."


"You gonna sleep?" Phil asks, by which he means 'will you be able to sleep tonight,' but he knows Dan knows what he means.

"Mhm. M'tired."

"Me too," Phil says. "You wear me out."

"I barely did anything," Dan argues.

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