4 Ways to Spice up your Sex Life

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Dan thought phil was tired of him and wants to move out. It was now up to Dan to get back Phil's interest in him and what better way to do that than to look on the internet for ways to spice up a relationship?


They were ready for the next step in their relationship. Dan and Phil had been dating for about eight years and living in their London apartment for four. It was about time that they started looking for houses that they could move in to. Maybe then they would finally be able to adopt the dog they had been talking about for ages.

The only thing left to do was to actually talk to Dan about it. He had no doubts that his boyfriend would be more than happy to finally start a search for their perfect house and Phil couldn't wait to actually tell him. That is, before he came up with an even better idea.

How ecstatic would Dan be if Phil found some houses for sale that were perfect for them and they could go look at them straight away? It would spare Dan the trouble of having to narrow down the list of potential houses into a smaller one.

Phil was going to have to look through some property websites to try and narrow down their options of potential houses. All that would be left for him to do once that was done was to surprise Dan with his results and then they would be able to go look at them so they could choose the perfect house for them together.

It was a foolproof plan.


Phil was tired of him and wanted to break up with him. Who cares if Phil hadn't actually said anything like that to him and had done nothing to make Dan think that?

The advertisements Dan had noticed on Phil's laptop were more than enough proof. It's not as if he had been looking through Phil's laptop because he didn't trust him. He just so happened to need to search for something and his laptop had just run out of battery so, naturally, he decided to use Phil's.

What he hadn't expected was about three separate tabs open on different websites that had one thing in common. They were all property websites.

At first, Dan didn't want to believe it. Things had been going so well for them lately. They were being more open with their viewers, showing their subscribers their domestic side of life, and the idea of actually coming out had never seemed as tangible as it did right now. How could Phil want to throw all that away?

The more he looked through the property websites, the clearer it became for Dan. Phil was tired of him and wanted to break up. He was looking through houses that he could buy so that he would have somewhere to go once he moved out of their apartment.

How could he have been so stupid as to think they were ready to adopt a dog when his boyfriend was so clearly losing interest in him? Dan was at a complete loss. He couldn't lose Phil. They had been together for eight years, been through thick and thin, and he refused to give up now that they were so close to finally getting to the point where they could be completely open with everyone.

But how could he actually stop his boyfriend from leaving him if that's what he really wanted to do? As much as he loved Phil, he would never actually force him to stick around if that wasn't what he really wanted to do.

There was just one thing left to do. It was clear that, after eight long years together, their relationship was not as it used to be. They had grown up since the first time they met and things had obviously changed. Dan had always thought that the changes and been for the better and thought Phil agreed with him. If that wasn't the case then he needed to spice up their relationship if he wanted to have any hope of getting back Phil's interest in him.

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