Maybe I Miss You

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(Phil leaves Dan for several months to temporarily live in New York City and work on a movie set.)

Angst and fluffy smut

Warnings: oblivious phil, annoying oc


Missing someone was hell, Dan had no other way to describe it.

He never did take being alone very well, and this time he was completely alone.

He had no idea when Phil was coming back, he hadn't gotten a phone call from him in a week and they hadn't had a skype call in a month.

It felt like 2009 all over again, all those months in between meetings when they could only Skype and miss each other.

Phil had gone off to New York City to work on some project. Apparently it was with some big movie, Phil had never been so excited.

Dan remembers when Phil told him, how happy he was.


"Dan! Dan Dan-" Phil pretty much bounds into the lounge like a hyperactive puppy.

Dan let's out a small giggle at his friend, "Yes, Phil?" He watches him fondly as he bounces eagerly.

"I just got asked to help on a movie- in New York City! I'm- I can't breathe oh my god!" Phil squeals and jumps onto the couch beside Dan.

"That's so great Phil!" Dan smiles at his extremely excited counterpart.

"I'm so excited- I don't know what I'll be doing yet but they said it's big and they'd be happy to have me!" Phil's smile was so wide and happiness radiated from him.

Dan felt this weird feeling in his heart, "New York right?"

"Yeah! I'll have to-" Phil's face suddenly fell.

"What is it?" Dan asks, he knew what was coming but he was still terrified of what Phil was about to say.

"I'll have to move to New York for a while..." Phil mumbles, looking down and picking at a loose string on the sofa.

"Oh." Dan gulps, his mind seemed to stop working for a minute.

"I'll be back though... eventually. Don't worry." Phil tries to give Dan a reassuring smile but Dan just looked sad, pained almost.

"Yeah... it's okay. I'll live I guess." Dan tries to smile as he playfully nudges Phil's shoulder.

"I just know how you are when you're alone. All the demons suddenly come out in the dark and try to eat you in your sleep and all the-"

"Okay okay I get it-" Dan tries to ignore thoughts of literal demons eating him when he goes to turn the lights off each night. "How long?" Dan asks with a deep sigh.

"Anywhere from six months to a year..." Phil says and why did Dan just feel like crying?

"Wow..." Dan lets out a shuddery breath. He really liked having another person in the house- specifically Phil.

"I mean I don't have to accept-"

"No!" Dan immediately perks up, trying to hide the fact that he'd rather Phil stay. He couldn't be selfish, "No, this is an amazing thing Phil, you deserve this. We can just Skype all the time, like 2009 all over again." Dan shrugs making Phil let out a light laugh.

"Alright, I don't leave for another two weeks. It was kind of a last minute thing, they said they'd normally give someone more notice. Luckily I don't have a life anyway other than YouTube- shit."

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