What You're Missing

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rockstar phil

getting back together!


"I hate you, Phil! Why are we even together still?" Dan shouts from their bedroom. It was currently ten past two in the morning and Phil just came back home, stumbling and drunk. This wasn't the first time that he's done this. Ever since Phil's singing career took off, Dan felt himself losing his loving boyfriend with a tough exterior to fame. But with the belief that he still had a special place in his heart, he stuck with Phil, hoping that he'll come around.

"You know what, Dan, that's a pretty good fucking question. Why are you still here? All you are doing is dragging me down and keeping me from pursuing my own career. How fucking selfish," Phil slurs out, his vision struggling to focus on the objects around him. His grip on the wall was firm as he tries to make it up to his and Dan's bedroom.

When he approaches the bedroom, he finds Dan curled up on the very edge of the bed. He rolls his eyes and sits in front of where Dan is facing.

"We should really talk, Dan, we keep doing this," Phil was coming to his senses, but everything around him was still very fuzzy.

Dan faces the other way and mumbles, "I hate you. You're drunk and you don't like me anymore."

Phil glares Dan, his jaw clenching as anger bubbles inside of him.

"Well, if that's how you feel, then maybe you aren't fit to be my boyfriend anymore," Phil spits out, struggling to stand back up, tripping over his legs in the process. Dan's eyes widen with shock and sits up.

"Fine! I'll be out of your hair by morning!" Dan shouts, jumping off of the bed and grabbing a suitcase. He stuffs everything that he could in it, but pauses when he comes across the pictures sitting on top of the dresser. Dan allows a tear to fall as he grabs only one picture frame, shoving it deep inside his bag. When he has decided that he collected most of his necessities, he runs down the stairs and slams the door, the sound echoing through the apartment as Phil laid passed out on the couch.


One year later.

The sun is too bright as it shines through Dan's blinds, forcing Dan to wake up from his somewhat peaceful sleep. Dan sits up with a groan, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and checking the time.


Dan lets out another groan as he slips out of bed, trudging to the bathroom. It was another rough night for him. Last night he decided to get a couple drinks with his friends to take his mind off of his shitty job. Of course, Dan didn't get drunk as he had to take himself back home, but it was exhausting to see his friends lose all of their self control and keep up with their partying.

He splashes some water in his face, looks into the mirror, and sighs. He's been lonely for too long. So instead of trying to get anything productive done today, Dan decides to lay around on the internet, feeling sorry for himself.

When he gets back to his bedroom to retrieve his laptop, he hears his phone beeping.

From: Matt

hey! i know this is last minute, but i was supposed to go to a concert with a couple of my mates, but one of them bailed on me. we got VIP tickets and i don't want them to go to waste. is there any chance you would like to join us?

Dan lets out a frustrated moan as he reads the text message. He looks over the message twice before hesitantly responding.

From: Dan

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