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Christmas smut 🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅

Warning: lingerie👙



Every year, Louise Pentland throws an amazing Christmas party for all her friends. And every year, Dan Howell has a habit of getting blackout drunk at said Christmas party and completely embarrassing both himself and his best friend, Phil Lester.

Which, really, isn't much of a concern, considering that no cameras are allowed at the parties because Louise wants just one private event a year where everyone can let loose. Maybe a little too loose for their own good. This concept, coupled with eggnog spiked with rum and Christmas karaoke in Louise's lounge, makes for a very interesting party.

However, as Phil had only recently found out, the party isn't going to be at Louise's place, but rather at a small pub she's rented out for the evening with the help of a few other YouTubers. When he tells Dan, he only seems even more excited because he's getting proper liquor this year.

Which, in turn, means Phil will have even more of a babysitting job than usual. Not that he minds. Dan's his best friend, and his duties are usually making sure Dan doesn't choke on his own vomit and getting Dan into bed at the end of the day. Phil usually doesn't have more than a few drinks, as he likes to keep a clear head most years, and he and Zoe usually take over the role of mature adults.

But the parties are always fun, and Phil usually has a blast at each one, even if half of it is spent on making sure Dan doesn't attempt something stupid, like the keg stand he'd tried to do at last year's party. This year should be no different, if not a bit easier now that there'll be actual staff to make sure nobody gets too out of hand. Maybe Phil could even afford to get a bit tipsy.

The day of the party is spent doing nothing but lounging around until six in the evening, at which point Dan shoots him an eager grin before dashing off to get ready. Phil groans and sits up, stretching his arms out. He closes his laptop and makes his way back to his bedroom, and once he's there, he debates upon which shirt he would care least about getting potentially ruined in case of a spill.

He decides on one of his old button ups, a dark blue one, a sport coat that's slightly too big for him, and a pair of older black jeans with quite a nice belt he'd bought on a whim a few days ago. There's not much to do aside from brush his teeth and fix his quiff, maybe clean his glasses. Well, that and grab the paracetamol from the medicine cupboard just in case.

He's sat on the sofa, waiting for Dan, when he gets a call from Louise. "Hey, Lou," he chirps, and he glances back at the hall. "Dan's almost ready, we'll be there in a bit. Everything good for the party?"

"Oh, everything's going smoothly, dear," she assures him. There's a pause. "D'you want me to bring along a few changes of clothes just in case?" She's probably referring to the whole debacle that happened three years ago, where Dan got so drunk he tried to clean up a wine spill with his own shirt. When it had still been on. Louise is the type of person who likes to be prepared for any incident to happen again, even if it's not likely.

Phil chuckles quietly. "That'd be great, thanks. And if the pub cares about their furniture at all, they probably shouldn't wax the floors," he warns. Dan has a tendency to get even clumsier when drunk, and slippery flooring never goes well with his two left feet. There's a tinkling laugh from the other end, and Phil finds himself grinning. Just then, Dan appears in the hall, grinning like—well, like it's Christmas. "We're gonna get going now, see you in a bit, Lou!"

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